Resolution 1727 - Budget - Salaries53 RESOLUTION No. 1727 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1 939-40 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL,- 1. That the budget for the fiscal year 1939-40 shall be as follows: GENERAL FMD My ouncil Salaries and gages $1632.00 Maintenance and Operation 30.00 Miscellaneous 20.00 $1682.00 City Clerk Salaries and Wages 1650.00 Maintenance and Operation 200.00 Miscellaneous 150.00 2020.00 City Treasurer Salaries and Wages 1450.00 Mai ntenane.e and operation 140.00 'Miscellaneous 315.00 1905.00 City Engineer Salaries and Wages 1825.00 Maintenance and operation 100.00 1925.00 City Attorney Salaries and Wages 900.00 Maintenance and Operation 10.00 910.00 Police Court Salaries and pages 970.00 Maintenance and Operation 50.00 Jurors and Witnesses 50.00 1070.00 Police .Department Salaries and Wages 15020.00 Maintenance and operation 2300.00 Miscellaneous 600.00 17920.00 Pound Salaries and Wages 300.00 Maintenance and Operation 50.00 350.00 Fire Department Salaries and Wages 14574.00 Maintenance and operation 600.00 Dormitory 250.00 Miscellaneous 300.00 15924.00 City hall Salaries and Wages 50.00 Maintenance and operation 1350.00 Miscellaneous 160.00 1560.00 State Examiner Salaries and Wages 150.00 150.00 Accident Insurance Premiums 2000.00 2000.00 Board of Health Salaries and Wages 1000.00 Maintenance and Operation 200.00 1200.00 Street Lighting Maintenance and Operation 3700.00 3700.00 General Expense Salaries and Wages 420.00 Maintenance and operation 350.00 Miscellaneous 645.00 1415.00 $53,731.00 CONTT NGT',NT FUND %iyarant Rental 6000.00 6000.00 6,000.00 STREET FUND General S:Freet Maintenance Salaries and Wages $5200.00 Maintenance and operation 1300.00 Miscellaneous 1550.00 Emergency Warrants 310.00 $8360.00 Warehouse Salaries and Wages 1150.00 Maintenance and operation 525.00 Miscellaneous 130.00 805.00 $9,165.00 AV TATION FUND Salaries and Wages 1.50.00 1,1aintenance and Operation 1.50.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 400.00 400.00 SINKING AND INTEREST Fun3ing, 9onas, Principal 4000.00 Funding ., Bonds, Interest 1400.00 Water Bonds Ref1d. 8219.64 13619.64 13,619.64 LIBRARY FUND -Salarl-es and Wages 3600.00 Maintenance and Operation 3100.00 6700.00 6,700.00 WATER WORKS FUND Salari W--a-n-d-images 14960.00 Maintenance and Operation 2900.00 I Miscellaneous 31960.00 Capital Expense 20000-00 69820.00 69,820,00 BAND FUND Salaries and Wages 1400.00 Maintenance and operation 100.00 Miscellaneous 20.00 1520.00 1,520.00 PARK HIND Salaries and Wages 7050.00 Maintenance and Operation 2625.00 Emergency Warrants 1250.00 10925.00 10,925.00 EMERGENCY RELIEF Material and Supplies 4800.00 4800.00 4,600.00 P01ICE PENSION Po ice ensions 1200.00 1200.00 1,200.00 RECAPITULATION General Fund $53,731.00 Street Fund 9,165.00 Library 6,1700.00 Park 19,925.00 Band 11520.00 Sinking and Interest 13,619.64 Aviation 400.00 Contingent 6,000.00 Emergency Relief 4,800.00 Police Pension 1,200.00 Water Works 69,820.00 4177,880.64 Passed and approved this 9th day of August, 1939. F. 0. WILLIAMS Attest; F. J. ROBISCHON Mayor I, F. T. Robischon, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the above resolution was regularly adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held the 9th day, 1939. 15"1141�-'----?-e--��- Cler)(/'of t-fy--O-f Ka1ispll