Resolution 1676 - Budget - Salaries4 ku RF,30LUTIOIv .,I R`P,3OLTJ1r"I0N 7112] 97-)`,'T "'OTR Ti14FISCAL 77?,-All 'VIT 3Y 7-7,', CTTY COTICIL 07 7ME CITY OF ry 1. Thr-it the bud, -et for tae !iscal yeor be as follows: 77h,!) (,ity Council 3a1mles and '%gos '1,iinten,.ince and Operation 30.00 Misce3l9neous 20.00 119?0.00 City Clerk Sal,iries and �1,1aes 1600. jo vintenance and operation lyb.011 miscellaneous U-0 1AU0.00 City Treasurer Salaries f,,,nd ",luges 1350 0 'N.intenance and (.,perat:Lon )o scollaneous 16,10. 00 ("i ty Saiariee and ",lages 14?0.UO ; Atemnce and Operation 60.ju `?i scel-Inneous 20.00 15 50 . 00 City 1s1,torney Inn wies and !Ages 000. U0 :Kintenange and Dperation 2b.00 22b.00 Po ice Court ial ies and Aages NO.& Vitnteriance, rind OporatLon bu.uo Turors and Witnesses 00.00 107Q.00 nolice Dep,.irt:nent anald -Vaes 14110.0 7aintenanoe and. Operation 2500.Ub 16603.00 Poun,j 7-al.-iries and ,Ndos 300 00 NAIntenance and Operation 5u0( 3W .JU Ili re 7, ll,;ries and 'vages 14405.UO "aintenNnce and. Operqtion "3cc). U() Dormitory Lbi,wU Ziscellaneous 300.00 10=00 City Hall haintenance and Operation 14bO.CO miscellaneous 63.00 1510.00 Idections and 7aA es 125.00 Maintenance 32b.00 State Nxaminer 9alaries and 1,a J. �) 0 lbc) -CO ,liocident Insurance Premium 180U.ju NNW Damges and 7udgments 3173.56 3193.56 'Qqrd of 'Nalth Snl"ies and Vlages 'Vintonanoe %na Operation 2uJ.00 1300.1110 t I ),reet Miinten�jnce, "inri Oporation 3oUO.Uu 3.300.00 41, -'xpense 3salaries and !Va�;es 7aintewnce and 0'perat,,,,3n I Z)0. U 0 liscallaneous: CornILT,wall, wrill) Hydrnnt Rental 6�)bu JO boC)C.Uo 6()(1U. 00 Gener,91 3t,'oet - lai nt,,nirco .3alaries, and 5000.00 SaInies sand !Ages 7 Mointennnce and I"peretion 13100.00 miscellaneous 023b.00 Ab3b.00 Tarehouse, Sakwies and Tages 15"00 n9intemince and Operation b2,5.60 Hiscallaneous 12 G .0u 7 ,) b . U 0 J33.GU WIFAIT01, FTMD `3 D a I -arie,,-, and 25G.00 7aintenanoe and openation bO �0 Miscellaneous 430.00 I n su -ra Yw e MAU 300.00 too. 00 SYTIA! AND IWIRS' 7undiF,,T'3�-n,3s,_7r_in. bojo. 00 Fund',.nr° ],�ond�3, Int. 2000,00 ater 9)nds Rof I d. 8219.64 15215.64 15219.64 Ll'�,�,RARY 7UN'D 00 ,juintenrance and Operation 3664.JO 7264.001 7264.00 YAT,,'R ',VQRK,3 7VTOTTS and 'noes 11960 . j 0 7AintenaTic,e and Operation 2,.40 0. Oo Miscellaneous 31060.00 Capital Expense 2000.00 6 9 >3 "I G . () U 6'J t >2 0 . b0 I�AII;T) 3aiarie3 and Ia,�es 15U0.00 rain tenance and Cep eraticon lb?0.00 100.00 PAqK a 1,_ar i e s and es a .00 :!,,,aintenance and ope.,rr,Ation 7,5 b. 0 0 6 bU b. 0 0 6 5C, 5 . () 0 "IFIR(IIIIINICY—LO, , ILI IEF bOCG, .00 buG0.00 bU0C CC) �p'177142 .20 Passed and approved this 3rd day of Attest: 1� j� 109TSCS)h 74yor C I ty 01erk___ I F. J. Clerk of, tTle 3itY Of KRIiJIDell, do 11F:rpby (,,a-rtify thtit the a')ove resolution ,,vas adopted oy tne i.,ounuil ot said City -it a meeting ueli the 31