Resolution 1527 - Sidewalk PaymentsW REESCIPTION lio. 1527 A REESOLUTIOK 7ROVIDING FoR THE PAYM7�,NT POR C'EMUT SIDEWAIKS ORD10ED IN 9Y THE CITY ON ­71IRD AVENUE ?,AST NORTH BY DRAWING WARRANTS ON THE 3PECIAL SIDFIVALK JiND CURB FUI�D FOR THE, MAR 1915 5. 3TE IT RE3OLV7D 3Y THE COUNCIL OF T111,51 CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: W'112BAS, the City Council at a regularly called meeting on October9th, 1�)3b, did order notice be given the owners cf all property abutting on Third Avenue ,,Past North to construct cerient sidewalks along both sides of said Third Avenue J,?ast north and stating that unless such walks were constructed by action of the owners the City would arrange Per their construction at the ex- piration of thirty days, and 1,571M,E'AS, consent to waive the required time of notice has been secured, and EREAS, the late season of the year made imr1lediate action neces- sary in order that such walks be constructed before winter set in, and 7"FIER7'4,A3, the Contractor, Kirkpatrick Brothers, having been award- ed the contract for construct -.Lon of ce,,,,,,jent sidewalks and curbing for the year 1935, as nrovided for in Section 171 of Ordinance No. 411, was directed by the duly authorized city officials . to proceed with such construction, and NTIT!;7EAS, said work has been completed, therefore -91�, TT �`,';SOLVID 9v THE COTYNCIL of the City of Kalispell t-liat pay- ment of the Invoice for such work submitted by Contractor, Kirk- patrick Brothers, be made by drawing warrants on the special Side- walk and Curb Fund for the year 1q35, as provided for in Section 2 of Ordinance No. 417. Passed by the Council of the city of yaiispeil, ilontana, and approved by the llayor on the 2nd day of Jecamber, 1035. .T. P. 3RTTCKjjAUSjUJ, Tilov or Attest: F. J. '?OBISCIIOV City Clerk State of ilontanq, County of Flathead) ss I, T'. J. Robisclaon, Clerk of the City of Kaiispeli, do hereby certify that the above resolution was regularly adopted -by the Council of said City at a meetinZ held the 2nd day of December 60)c of the' -cf-ty-oT Kai iii,=)ell