Resolution 1575 - Emergency - Park BudgetRESOLTJ71011 No. lb7b LARINI, ANII �J-�RGZECY S-21-13TS Y�ID Mlt'v IT 1,3 'N'ICT33.3iRY TO 1-11AK11"111 E1,117"EhMITTER111i 1711,101! ITH71 1,14"RK 7111) IL '-KX'15,3 OF 17111- -,', IOUT.NT P-ROVIDED BY T11E C T T 31TDGIT?IT 7,1(l14 PAIRK PUM)o,31EPS. k BE IT E1,Y THE COUECI.L OF THE G1'7Y 01" `17R,1,Z,A3, the current budget of the City of Ka'Uspeil did riot sufficterit-ty provide for the expenditures culled J "or under the ar7reement the City entered into with the 77orks Prouress i Id%i n istration of the 7nLted States to furnish riaterial end supplies in OarryjnT Out the "I 'i sd .'irk Pzrojact and th-nt the sum of ,,1�2000.00 is necessary for such purposE-;^, in addi- tiOn to is XiTI'101.111t 11Q'zato-fore? riuthorizea "or such purpose; and 7 1".117 7 AS, tliere ar-e no funds available to p,,ly the., roregoing o b I i ga t i () Ti s of the Q, 1- t v of 7q 1i spe 11 and as sm c -(I ob a i t,a t 1.,0' Y1Z excerad the ar.,wunt provided by blie last a,,mnual budpet, and such expenditures are m,,acassnry and unravoidublLl and it is rwinda- tory 'hat the same be paid; 91i, 1'r "IT7p-, 7 -7, {7%q ,)r,y PD that all erqPIe-Ons e�.n�ehrd to exist under th,a provtsiojis of, tile secon" paragraph aff Secticm 71'ight, Chapter 121 of the, IFjws of t,Lc, Twefltiv-,3econd Lel!rislitive iksseu,lbly of the State of 'kilo Lana, and that the currentbuj�ct for T-1qr1<, r4md be exceeded in the surl of "Illat em�;r7,ency warraritr> be drawn against thn funds above iim-I-d prop��rly char-eable viLth such exponditkare . ild th,,it tr]u City Tr,easurer is aiithorl.zed end directed tc) pss jL,�cjj With any money in any furlds uvailable fo-r such purll)aae '.111d if is "Ot sufficiclit innney civailable to pay suol'i warzant3 then the same shall be, registered, hear, Lstare ,jjj,1 rrall.epd I � or pay,-,ient in the i%an.nur I)rc)-\ri dad for by law for etljor c! ty Warrants. Tlil 3 tpeii,s an cam e r�-clency resol ut ion ap, set -forth herej, ri I's 91 same shall take: affect and be i1a 'U.1-1 force rind e�,fewt diately upon its passage and approval. Passed and a,)-Tj,-r)Ved t"lis 4th day of X,inuary, 1937. hlayo r Attest, IF. IT. P103115CHOU 0 7 ,-7 1 Y T�-,�R-- T. Tlr')ischon, Clerk of 1he City of KalispeLi, rl(,) c er t i f� 11, Ila t t I ia, a 1) 0 ve coo, ethic n vas r a(- u 1. nr 1 y o d a p e d laps the C , OU �Ic i I Of raid City r t a m.e e t I n�r h�,, 2, � t, lie 4 tn jFj y 0 7,, —Inuary, pe4l