Resolution 1574 - Transfers Funds114 he. lb74 A RE301.13TIOX TRANSF7,RRING CERTAIN FUNDS III THE CITY TRFA8URY 37 TT P710171s"3 9Y THE GTTY COUIACIL OF `1117 C171: OF KALISPELL, That the fr)130wing WTIOUrits, be trRnsferred frorm the Overpayment and Adjustment "rued to the following funds, - To Tnsect Pest Control Fur�,-] the sum of - - - - 1.13 To Special Improvement Districts 0,ash 11PUTId - - - .11 1. n4 11,1assed and approved this I?th day of 1936. T. 137AjT,"YTj,1j 1,,Tayor �(7 y 1, ". T. Rotflwhou, Clerk of the Gtty of Kalispell, do hereby oertify that the above resolution was regularly adopted by- the COUncll of said City at a rueeting held the, 7th day of December,1036,