Resolution 1627 - Transfers Funds31 RESOLUTION No. 1627 A RESOLUTION TRAhSFERRTNG CIRTAIN FUNDS IN THE CITY TREASURY 97 IT RESOLVED BY -Tr4, CITY C07YOTL OF T77 CTTv 07 MALT 75P1?,LL:- That the following transfer of funds be made, - From r-enoral Fund to the Park Fund,- 13,800.00 Pasied and approved this 7th day of February, 1938. F. 0. 77ILLTAM3 Mayo r Attest: 7. X. R03ISCHON City Clerk 1, F. T. Robischon, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, hereby testify that the above resolution was regularly adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting held February 7th, 1938. ftCf toflalispell