Resolution 1623 - Tax Levy?1. 7 R733LUTION Teo. 103 A RFSOLITTION 11;a' h C �r AN'N'TAL T,,r LEVY 1`01� `IU7 CITY OF FOR THE Y7 3F IT M°"3OLV'M BY T"-E CP7 COULCII, OF CITY 0,7�' 3eoti,on 1. That there is h(,-reby levied ti-on, each ,.And every dollar of V, in tax -able valuatinn of the Gity (,f :Aontana, for the Year J-�437, the following levies'. Fund 1,,,, 111 S �,,o neral 1-2.0 Street 3.6 Library 2.b T3,nnd .7 Park 3.O -Rundino, 9,,-�nd -,J-akin- 2.2 7undin- 'lond Interest Wator Bonds Qefunded Totql 27. b Thqt the natal City of Kilispell levy for the year 11.137 be 27,5 mills, same b)-,inthe total t,, the Several levies for the separate funds ar, shown abo-ve. Passed by the Council Of the �jty of Kalispell, llonrtana, and ap- proved by the, ],Nyor thereof on the Jt1i day of j3u�.,Zust, Acting 14ayor Attest�-,9. 7. R0913;�(,,,MN C t v 01 er k I., F. j. Robischon, Clerk of t',,1tN City :)f Kallispell do hereby certify that the above resol4tiora was re,,�ularly adapted by the Council of said City at a Tueeti "