Resolution 1631 - Resolution of Intent - Lighting District 423-5 RT,',?,0LTITT0IZ Ll(. _1631 T 71.�`17117T-N TO -REATE' 3PriI�lIl,T`07-MIi�'N2.-11-21717-11- T If 1 �TM " �077 - �77 0 13711 TT R7311IL71-1411D 9Y 1711r� C'1771` OT" 7,171, CY7r OV KALTsr71,L- 3ection 1. 'hot it is the intention ofVac "ity Council of the ,ity of Kalispell to create a specialcial improvemqnt lightin , - (r dis- t,,,ict 11-rel)y �esj�7nated is Sk _Ip I ecjaj Tinprovement Lig.htinr,, District ro . 421, for the purpose of li�htin� First Avenue lest 71,rfli, of the C r I ,it, go -is, s, pall as 011,)Ws: to -wit,- lroTr� �min J- t opposite the lot line between Lots 18 and 19 of 3lock 15 9nd Lots 6 and 7 0 f dock I.i, to the point;opposite the lot Tine between Lots 9 and 10 of T3lock 237 and Lots 3 and 4 of -,3lock 236. Section on 2. That, the boundaries of Buch proposed731)0(�ial IrIPI�ove- ment Lik;Iating District ore as follows; 3epinsaiaa at the oenter of 3lock 15, Kali spell Original , thence norttler ly Paralleling tine east line of 'Mirst Avenue West Nortiq to the Lnt,,rs-ection with lot line between Lots 9 and 10 of Biook 237, ilddition No. 6, VIence westerly aloe- said line to the center of the alley in ;Mock 236, Addition No. 6, thence southerly paralleling the west line of ''irst Avenue 'lost Korth to the intersection with the lot line be- tween Lots 6 and 7 of Block 14, Kalispell CriCinal, thence east- erly to the point of beginnin-1. Section 3. Test the general chiracter of the improvements to be made in said proposed special ipaproveraelit IiPghting district is as follows- to-,mJ.t,- The procuring and erautiniz of posts, wires, lamps and other suitable and necessary appliances for the purpose of lightin- those parts of the avenu,�,6, streets and Public hit.-,11- ways of the City of Kalispell herainbe-L'. ore described. Section 4. That the approximate or the cost of the i,%prover_13ents to be made is the 31-Im of 15.00 and approxiiate estimate of the cost of Ttiaintalnin�� the lights in the proposed district and, stqp- plyin�7 electrical current therefor for tbe% first ,year i - a the, swa of 1 3.60 and three fourths of the cost shall be Rsses3ed 1E1"FAinst the rro- p"rty embraced within the district abutting such Avenue. 3ection 5. That on the 2nd day of 1.ay, 1933, at the rounell C,riamber in the City M) 11 of the City of Kali spell , it seven thirty 0 1 c look at u -emilar maetinrt,, the City Council will hear and pass u-,:or. all pretests that may be ,,,ade a,,­ainst the makiP_~cif such i-1- nrovements or the creation of such district. Section E5. The City Clerk is he,reb ' T authorized Find directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this resoluti_�jn b,,?- pub- lication and mailing , as red tired by law, such oublicat'on to be made in the Kalispell -Imes, a weekly newspaper piiblished in the city of Kalispell. Passed and approved by unanimous vote of the City Gouncil tnis 4th day of April, 1,3>1. VV'ILLIAMS Attest: 7. J. R03ISCHOIN May a r City =erk I, F, ;T. :Robischon, Clark of the City of Kali spell, do hereby certify Vaat the above resol,,ition was re_.-ularly adopted by the Council of said City at a meeting het,- th 4th day of of Aril,1938. Cjerk­67�1-le City of Kalispell