Resolution 1584 - Budget - Salaries24 RESOL TTTI0N No. IbS4 A R73OL710114 FTXIEM, 7111E BT7DGET FOR I TH'T 71SCAL VTIIAR l33?-36 9M, 1T 117t,301,VM 33Y C-17T COUNCTL OF THI,; CIT'Y' OF KALTSF-PLL, MONTAN-4: Section 1. That t1le blidoet "or the fiscal year 193?-38 5hall be as follows- GENTIMAL FUND City Council Salaries &, Wazes $1020.00 Maintenance & Operation 30. 0 Miscellaneous 20.00 aim.00 City Clerk Salaries & Wages 1600.00 Maintenance & Operation 175.00 Idi as al. laneous 25.00 1800.00 City "Oreasurer ialaries Ac. Wages 13b0.00 Maintenance & Operation 60.00 ,miscellaneous 350.00 1515,00 city ',ngineer Sal pries &, WaCes q20.00 I `,19i­ntenanee & Operation 60.00 lei scellanenus 350.00 1330.00 City Attorney Salaries &-, Wages 900.00 14aintenanoe &-, operut�-on 25.00 �tiO.Qv Police Court Salaries & lllagyes 970. ()0 i'fiaintnnanae & Opf-,�rsjtion bo.00 Jurors Rj. Vlitnesses 11-50.00 1090.00 Police Department salaries & Wages 14100.00 Niaintenarce & Operation 1350.00 Miscellaneous 1000.00 16450.00 City round Salaries & lVages 200%00 Maintenance &,:, Operation 50.00 250. 00 Fire Department Salaries & Wes 13335.00 nintenance & Operation 500.00 Oormi to ry 425.00 Miscel laneous 655.00 15215.00 City Hall SnlRries &, Wagres - 'aintenance 8L Operation 1600.00 Miscellaneous 60.00 1660.00 State 'Examiner Salaries &. Wages 150.00 150.00 Accident Insurance Maintenance &. operation 1.200. 00 1.2?00.0Ci Board of Healtb 3aiaries &-, Wages 1020.00 ,'airtenance &- oporation 2300.00 Lliscellaneous 220.00 1440.00 Street Li,kiting Mainterance &,, Operation 3BOO.00 3800.00 ,25 General 7,3,xpensa SalRries & Lrta es MaInternnce & Operation Miscellaneous CONTINY'17M'T MYND TlydrRnt Rental m TOTAL GERERAL STREET FUND General Street Maintenance Salaries & VIRges Maintenanoe & Operation Mi scellaneous Tarebouse Salaries &' Wages Maintenanoe & Operation '41 smell aneou S AVTATI�)N TUND a-aiaries T, rv,--,es Maintenance & Operation mi6cellaneous FUNDTING 13oND ITT idc AU 7, T7 I D WAT-7,R 7,71,,D P il n Mci -pa I Tnterest LIPTIARY Salaries & Wages NTaintenaur,e & Operation Mi scellanemus VIATITR -OIIES M.aintenance & Operatinin scel I 1 an e o iz 5 Depreciation 7 .gent Capital If'xpense RAND =q -arie,3 & IVageo ,.Ialntenanoe & Operatioln PARK ges T laintenance & operatioln �fl Scell-'Aneous '11490. 00 $50765.00 6000.011) ?720.00 1300. 0 U 30.00 13020.00 50.00 62b.00 30.00 705.00 13725.00 300.00 50.u0 550,00 3480.00 28 14-. () 0 2;30. 00 15460.00 2 900. (,10 3800.00 5160.00 22,500.00 112500.00 1500.00 90.00 5550.00 525.00 1880.00 RECAPTT17LATTO N OUO. Oi) 69320. 00 7q55. 00 ,Teneral Fund 50'? 6 5. o C) Contingent Fund 6000. 00 Street 7und 13 7,2, 5 . 0 0 Aviation Fund 900.00 Sink! n- Fund 15219.64 Library Fund 6544.QQ 'Water Works Fund 69320 .00 San li'und 1590.00 Park Fuxad 70155»00 GRAND TOTAL $172018.64 Passed by the Council caf the city Of Kalispell, RI,)ntuna, and approved by the Ilayor thereof on tqe4tq day of August, 10357. Attest:F. T. y 77, TIT,-7 C i e rk T, P. 6 . Robischon, Olerk of the Olty of Kalispell do hereby cor- tify that the abows resolution was reg ,ularly ladopted by the Council of sald City at a meeting held the. 4th day of Auglist, 1�37. —� � �Ix 0—