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02. Council Minutes - Regular Meeting September 18, 1995799 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD AT 7:00 P.M. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1995, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL IN KALISPELL, MONTANA. MAYOR DOUG RAUTHE PRESIDED. COUNCIL MEMBERS JIM ATKINSON, LAUREN GRANMO, BARBARA MOSES, DALE HAARR, DUANE LARSON, PAM KENNEDY, GARY NYSTUL, CLIFF COLLINS AND CITY ATTORNEY GLEN NEIER WERE PRESENT. CITY MANAGER BRUCE WILLIAMS WAS ABSENT AS HE WAS ATTENDING THE ICMA CONFERENCE. City Attorney Neier filled in for City Manager Williams. Mayor Rauthe called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA APPROVAL City Attorney Neier requested the addition of Resolution 4238- Transfer Funds From SID Revolving Fund to the General Fund as required by Bond Counsel and to move the Police Confirmation agenda item up to No. 9. Atkinson moved to approve the agenda with the addition and change. The motion was seconded. The motion carried upon vote. Approve Minutes -September 5, 1995 Collins moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. The motion carried with a vote. Approve Claims per Payables Register Moses moved to approve the claims. The motion was seconded. Upon vote the motion carried. ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL Historical Society Delores Swanberg, Lakeside, requested the City sell Central School to the Historical Society for $1 so a museum may be designed. Carlene Khor, 229 7th Street West, Soroptomist Club President, spoke in favor of the Historical Society request and referred to and supported the letter from Mrs. Vernon that Council received. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Resolution 4237-SID 341 Bond Resolution LHC, Inc. will begin construction on SID 341 (Sewer Project on 5th Avenue East) on September 18th. City Staff over the last few months has been involved in finalizing financing for the construction with D.A. Davidson and Dorsey & Whitney. Dorsey & Whitney, Bond Counsel for the City in SID 341, has prepared a Bond Resolution for passage by the Council. The Bond Resolution is necessary in order to sell the bonds to D.A. Davidson and closing the transaction. If the Council passes the Resolution the City will be closing the issue and receive the proceeds of the sale the week of September 25th. The Resolution recites the authority for issuance of the bonds and sets forth the terms and conditions under which the bonds will be issued. Larson moved Resolution 4237, a resolution relating to $100,000 pooled Special Improvement District No. 341 bonds; fixing the form and details and providing for the execution and delivery thereof and security therefor. The motion was seconded. With a roll call vote the motion carried. Resolution 4238-Transfer Funds From SID Revolving Fund to the General Fund Finance Director Amy Robertson submitted a memo following discussions with Mae Nan Ellingson of Dorsey & Whitney, the City's bond attorney which prompted this resolution. It was indicated that an excess of funds in the SID Revolving fund can cause the City to have yield restriction problems with bond sales. The funds in the Revolving Fund have accumulated over several years as the City has repaid loans from Sidewalk & Curb funds, SID 333 in Ashley Square and payments from protested taxes which the County was holding. The City has not had a mill levy in the SID Revolving Fund since 1972. Kennedy moved Resolution 4238, a resolution authorizing the Finance Director to transfer the funds in excess of 5% of the outstanding SID debt from the SID Revolving Fund to the General Fund. The motion was seconded. The motion carried with a roll call vote. BUSINESS FROM MAYOR & COUNCIL Refuse Board Appointment Rauthe recommended the appointment of Gary Nystul to fulfill the remainder of Lauren Granmo Is term on the Refuse Board through June, 1996. Granmo abstained from discussion and vote. Atkinson moved to appoint Gary Nystul as the City representative to the Refuse Board. The motion was seconded. Kennedy recommended the list of interested individuals be forwarded to the current Solid Waste Board and encourage them to increase the number of people on the board so to have more citizen input. The motion carried with a vote. t 801 Airport Advisory Board Appointment Rauthe recommended the appointment of Keith Robinson to the Airport Advisory Board. Collins moved to appoint Keith Robinson to the Airport Advisory Board. The motion was seconded. With a vote the motion carried. Proclamation -Constitution Week Rauthe proclaimed September 17-23, 1995 as Constitution Week. Alcohol at City Parks Moses expressed her disapproval of the action take this past week by allowing alcohol to be served at Lions Park. There was discussion and it was agreed to address this issue at a future work session. Public Works Cliff commended the city manager and Public Works Department for the striping of lst Avenue East for the entire distance between Center Street and Montana Street, the excellent job of paving that has taken place this summer and also the painting of school crosswalks before the first day of school. BUSINESS FROM MANAGER Police -;Officer Confirmation Chief Ad Clark recommended confirmation of Officer Scott Warnell. Scott has been with the City a year and is eligible for confirmation. Kennedy moved to confirm Scott Warnell as police officer. The motion was seconded. The motion carried upon vote. Warnell thanked the Council for his confirmation. Request for Proposals Recommendation PECDD has completed its review of the following firms that responded to the City's request for proposals to design 44 low income housing units as part of Home Grant and CDBG: Architects Design Group, Kalispell Architects Northwest, Kalispell Associated Architects, Kalispell John Constenius Architects, Inc. Whitefish Eagle Bend Architects, Bigfork James Hoffman & Associates, Missoula Smith, Geston & Duffy Company, Whitefish 802 t A committee organized by PECDD selected Architects Design Group, Kalispell as the best proposal based upon written materials and interviews. PECDD now requests authority to enter into contract negotiations with Architects Design Group. As stated in Susan Moyer's memo of September 7, if a contract cannot be negotiated with Architects Design Group, the staff will enter into negotiations with the second place proposal. Atkinson moved to authorize the Planning, Economic and Community Development Department to enter into negotiations and sign the contract with Architects Design Group regarding design of the 44 unit low income housing and also authorize negotiations with the second place firm if negotiations with Architects Design Group are not of satisfaction. The motion was seconded. There was discussion. With a vote the motion carried. Authority to Bid The staff has prepared a number of bid specifications in anticipation of proceeding to bid with the following projects and purchases: Police Patrol Vehicle, 1995 or 1996 Ambulance, Lawrence Park Restrooms, Parks Mower, ISTEA Construction for Woodland Park DREAM Trail and a Dump Truck. Atkinson moved to authorize to proceed with authority to bid the Police Patrol Vehicle, 1995 or 1996 Ambulance, Lawrence Park Restrooms, Parks Mower, ISTEA Construction for Woodland Park DREAM Trail and a Dump Truck. The motion was seconded. The motion carried with a vote. STAFF REPORTS Work Session to follow this meeting for city manager evaluation Next Work Session September 25, 1995 7:00 p.m. Next Regular Meeting October 2, 1995 7:00 p.m. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Douglas D. Rauthe, Mayor ATTEST: Debbie Gifford, CMC Clerk of Council