Resolution 1580 - Transfers FundsRESOLUTIOR No. 1bBQ
A TI-To , J\T TRAN,9771,!Nr FTTNIDS FROM Tlrl5 GEh1j,'RAL 7TWn 07 T774, CT17y
TO '17117 'PAPK -11UND c�5 PROVIDED 9Y 31,-'CTT,)N 50,93.7 of THE '=TS147M CM)ts
OF M,"EMNA, 1935.
8'T TT ?7MLV7D 9Y TTTI? COUNCTI, Or, 7'Tjr,� CITY 07 KATISPr-U-1, 1'11\7,kXU:
WITT,Rli.A3, there are outstanding in warrants drawn and registered
against the Park Fund of the City of Kalispell in the sum of Six
Thousand Dollats, and whereas there is a balance in the General
Fund in excess of the needs and the expenditures to be made against
said General Fund for the balance of the current fiscal year, and
whereas a transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Park Fund
to take up such outstanding warrants will effect a saving in inter-
est thereon to the City of Kalispell and said Park Fund, and will
be of a ge
neral benefit to the financial affairs and conditions of
the City of Kalispell;
13E, IT RESOLVED by the council of the City of Kalispell that
the sum of Six Thousand Dollars be transferred from the General
Fund to the Park Fund as is authorized by Section 5Oa3.7;
That for the reasons as hereinbefore set forth this resolution
is declared to be an emergency resolution and shall take effect and
be in full force and effect im1rAediqtely upon its passar-,e and approval.
TTnaniMOUS ly passed at a regular -.Beting I of the City Council of
the City of Kalispell held on the 7-th day of, June, 1937.
Attest: 1% T. P071TSCH,"N
.. ....... '. a —
City C eA
T, 7, T. 'Robischon, Clerk of the City of Kalispell do hereby c€�tify
that the above resolution was -T-eCulnrly adopted by the Council of
said city at a meetine,, held the ?th day of :Tune, 1937.
C Y-eT k o f.�th--a City of Kal isle 11