Resolution 1371 - Federal Highway - 93FM��MAL AID PROJECT N0.2?0-,IAtI
RESOLUTIOh 3l0.1371
V7 —EMEAS, the State fii�hway Comnission of Montana is desirous
of constructing a section of U. S. Highway No. 93 through part of
the city of Kalispell and is desirous of routirg, the traffic on
said highway over 'Main Street nort",. of the Creat INorthern railway
tracks; and,
77HM the State llli,`,hway Commisslor is desirous cal' receiving
Federal Aid for the improvement of said hiL�hway; and,
M'I,AS, The 3-areau of Public Roads of the Department of Agri-
culture of the United 3to,te3 of Akraorica will not Part ic imat e in the
construction of said highway until and unless the city of Kal!spell
will agree to refrain from per-.qittinF encroacIvients upon the ricrbt
of way of said aloovenentioned street, and until and unless the city
of Kalispell. will. a�,ree to refrain froi,,,i passing ordinances or laws
fixing a speed limit of under twenty— " "ive (2b) miles per hour on
said above mentioned street, and until and unless the city ' T of
Kalispell will a,--ree to refrain fro�:i erectingsi,�-7,ns, semaphores and
signals that will give preference to local route,,.', or that will hinder
or delay traffic on said above Y'LeDtioned street,
be it resolved by the City Council of the City of
Kalispell that, for and in con,31deration of the State Highway Com-
raissi;n 04
f i,Jontana and the 3ureau of' He Department Public (loads of th
of 1,,�riculture of the, United 6t ates, of ' I 'merica constructinc, skid
highway and routing traffic on the samet!1rouC_!h the city of Kalispell
over a part o- i,`Iain 1--3treet, it hereby a,_,,rees with the 3tate Highway
Comr),ission, and the Bureau of Public Roads that it i,Iill not, in the
future, permit encroacniments on the right of way of skid above men-
tioned street, nor will it pass any ordinances or laws fixing' a
speed limit on the above mentioned street or under twmy-five (25)
miles per hour, nor will it allow the erection of signs, se'r"laptores
or s1.snals that will, -;give Preference to local rovlltes which intersect
with said above mentioned street, nor that w211. slow up, hinder or
delay traffic on the above mentIloned :Street.
Adopted by the City Council 9nd approved by the idayor this
20th day of Aus,~ust, 1932.
WJttest I. D, '`o,,mlien
City Clerk.