Resolution 1370 - Land Conveyance - Hwy 93IN
RESOLUTION 1,0.1370.
R7�,7,oLT,iu AUT1107PIZIN(� Tll- 11AYOR AND crrY C1,711K 70 7t,�FXCUTE AND
'"' ' T
K.A,L17,7TILL, TJONTANA, TO TTM' '377�-17 HT(TIEVAY C01-1�133IO:N 07 TM5, STATE
& RI(1,T -OF-77iff 701-1 FED�iRAL 11I(,H,A'AY MIJSER 93.
3E IT R73OLVED by the City Council of the City of Kalispell,
TTL%,T 71'`11271AS, it has beconrie necessary for the State Highway
Commission of the State of Montana to adquire from the City of
Kalispell, Tiontana, a strip of land which was a part of the air-
port belon<ginF to the City of Kalispell, Montana, and in payment
and exchange therefore the Highway Commission has conveyed to
the city of Kalispell another tract of land adjacent to the air-
port and the city of Kalispell havinrr been fully and adequately
compensated for such tract of land so needed. by the -.Ei�7,hway Com-
mission of the State of Montana for the right-of-way for U.S.
Hip,hway No. 93;
BE IT TIIRT]12FO',r-�i� FUR',,IHM R',T=LV'�11D BY THE CITY 11XIL of the
City of Kalispell, Plontana, in special session assembly this 8th
day of Aui:�ust, 1.932, that the 11,�yor and the City Clerk be, and
they are Aereby authorized and directed to execute a proper deed
in writln�7, or 3UCh other conveyance as may be necessary to the
State Highway Commission of the State of T,,lontana convoying there-
by the foljowin^ described tracts of 1,1d, to,,vit:
A tract of land in the 74i
M�,!Ml of Section 20, T.26,14'.R.21W.,M.P.11d.,
Flathead County, DAontana, more particularly described as follows:
A strip of land 40 feet wide on the westerly side of the following
described center line: Beginning at a point on the north line of
said Section 20, whichsaid point bears westerly alonT- said north
line a distance of 3770.9 feet, more or less, from the northeast
corner of sdLid Section 20; thence from the said point of be4;inning
S 410 151 E., 0.1 toot; thence southeasterly alon,7 a curve to the
right of 1432.5 feet radius, 194.4 feet to a point on the existing
county road, and containinE:, in all. 0.18 of an acre, more :or less
excepting, however, 0.08 of an acre herein described which con-
stitutes, a part of an existing public highway. (G-ross acreage 0.16;
present hiE7hway acreage 0.08; net acreage 0.10).
Also a tract of land in the 3E7r;W41 of Section 20, T.2n N. R. 21 1,11.,
14. P. Flathead County, 1,,Iontna, more particularly described as
A strip of land 00 feet wide, being,-, 40 feet wide on each side of
the following described center line: Beginning at a point on the
east line of said SEN of Section 20, which said. point bears
northerly along, said east line a distance of 113.7 feel' , more or
less, from the zoutheaot eorner of said SW-I'Mil 0 of said Section 20;
thence from the said point of be�- ' innin�7, N. 32 44, W., 623.3 feet;
thence alonr7 R curve to the rightof 2065,lj fe,^t radius, `30.2
feet to a point; also a strip of land 90 feet wide on the westerly
sideand 40 feet wide on the easterly side of the foll.ovins described
center line; thence continuing from the last describeJ T,',(Jint, alon,
a curve to the rir-ht of 2885.60 feat radius, b03.2 feet,, 3.1,10-re or
less, to a point on the north line of said 4 of Section 20,
which said point bears westerly alonn,, said, north line, 1 distance of
651.7 feet, more or less from the northeast corner of said
of Section 20, and containinC; in all 2.65 acres, more or less,
exceptim-, however, 1.48 acres herein described which constitute
a part of an existing piiblic riiFhway. (Gross acreape 2.65; present
highway acrea,-e 1.413; net acreage 1.17).
Passed -ind approved Au7ust 6th, 1032.
Attest: O_n] J,%r)
City Clerk.