Resolution 1373 - Dismissing LawsuitCity of tn.(' Cit", Kali"'Pell or, U'qe 0 ay C) f vl:�raoted t'ne City -kttorney to c,crra:ience not'l, nn 7,ue-er,EoCart:V to recover from him certain sums wnLch Ui-e City Council were advinU by ti,,,e City aitt(-,)rney lacd been ill o,ally callected by the said TuCen.e nm,� �uit been by City Attorney a-ainst the Hid Toyne McCarthy in the 7Antrict Court of FInthend Coanty, :!jnt!=rq aria which ouit io now couart, ,.-,ind TPTIZ" tim City Cou7."C-11"I of tv' C'it"" of -c',S constituted, Wren, (vtors thit this Sul In disnissed, =?7127 7070107), thnt thn !MYW7 bo WreO" inlruvAd to vmplq, cxHicll Wr Un nurpom or rnpYvnentAn7 the elty in tho, said Action nnd Qsnioo the anid action. with projudine. hy th'a' cit"', cou"."10'11 o" lc City (31, t hi di f4"""14e-t, 1'932� ppv]'� (P till`' day of- 0 � 52 Toyer. At t 0 0 t T - n 1 On , jx- ---- C 1 t.� r, I e:pk . :3 1 i I I T OF 0 1, T, V Mmlien, Clerk M tho QQ; of uliqa1l, Towpmv� do here!�- W-.-A; tlue is a t.ru:u n.-" nop, of 9 POSA-Alon pn=d hy On City 1 0? too city of Y:ontina, the I,j,', ,T 1032 und appmved by we Ayor & nild Olty on tirl Snory QN1.