Resolution 1381 - Emergency - Sewer Pipe and TrenchingMEMMU RISOL-TTICY NO. 1381 T3 F ,7 17' TR",`MLV7D -iY TTU11 C1177 C'Y'ECiL OT '1171 0, 7� KAI. I 3'rl!M�A3, the outl,,t for the sewer oysteal of the City of Kalispell is 'upon -stiley Creek and Me ouners of' farm land,3 an ;',shlcy Creek be- 1,)w the, outl,-,>t of said sewer havinp­,, for a number of years complained of the nllQged nuisanee caLlSed. by tihe sewage beilns7 lischarged into Ashley Creek, and' dana,_,e actions having been. threatened a,airjst the City of Kalispell, the City Counc-.`_1 of Kalispell r3eeYa,'n!_-, it advisab-b in order to avoid litigntion and possible judgraentni for dM'1aC,,eS, Sub- mitted to the taxpayers of the CIQ of Kalispell zj proposed bond issfe in the sum of one hun(lred thousand doll'irs, t1je p.j,oco'ds, frori which were to be used in changing tue outlet of sewer an , oonotr-ucting a disposal plant, which bond ismm defeated at n -,pecial election held June end, 1331; and Wjj,,TREA.,s, on June 27tli, 1931, Richard a property Owner on j3.sjjje,v Creek eoniraench;d. yin action the Citl,,' of Kalispell tc per petually restrain and enjoin tkiee City fronpernaittinp it�� sewage to b�e discharged into Ashle,,, (,Ir(,,F,,k and asked for Banta ges in the su$4,00C00w of `i - , and on Jane 31st, 1931, Hattie B. r'reig, anothe.r property oviner coran"11ced a ,similar action and a��kod for�riraa­,as in t4o 3-Il f 15700 00 wJ ich. :suit, are now pandin, and will be brou�,ht o trial in I.-ho naar future unle;.,s some action is Won to eliminate tin allo=d fluisance, rued ot"her P.roy�erty o,nnl­r,,,; on 1,shley CreeR ]'have threatened to brin,,,­, si:iilnr s ait s ; _ind al, thib tine PlaThead County ha,�,, obt,n,.ined frcza the Rec­)n- str,,iotion 71nn.nyc Corpoovion of M-ie united 3l,atc,,a, sevcral. thn u sa a J dot. 1, ar 3 t') ",) 0 t1,4, e d in FEE i c w n rk ant for i m eMA o ym n L re - lief, and a portion of thig money can bQ "btaindd and used for the Imr- rose of emu oying labor to 1 Lr 4 he n a(� '0-_-,.ary trenclu--s ror ;r the -Weyer cmtlgt which will -elieve ihe City of Kali pelf -frOrd tnis. part of the expenses of said wo= W in so -�oing, t will bn0c­arY for tlae Cit:- of KaaiApell a puromso tio moor Dip e nonx-nq, for '03 pro pa s a d 0 h r 70 it t 1' S ,, W i' 7- C, I it " ,l:.t. I. n (.,' . r () tll-e, r i r 0, i ,1 e 11 t El 1 C, 0 � t3 u,,d it nacessnry, proper, e:,p,dieflt '',­l f0,17 tae, �,`MSt interenta of the city of XalWpell, that jimandiate action we taken to climinabe the alleged nuisanoo ­.) oy the Of its se-wam in ,shloy Croak in or,.ler to avoid liti,,ation sac'. poe',,ibla jqdgmentspOr damZas againat the City PO33'J,)1a decrees of the Court per Petunik t"o city of Kaiispoll jfroni maintaining the alleged nulmnee and thin can be avoided by the chanr,,ing of the outlet ,aj,,o tlhe constriac ti all of a seviage- disposal plant at at minimum cost rat t1ais !Ame; and l , a bond issue would require a spocit_Lelction Md necess- e itate considerable delay, aril rai,­,ht be defeated by a vote of the to. -,,,- payers when submitteo and the roc[uj, s r'- uits can be obtained if emergency warrants for the cost of pipe aW inclqerjtrji e.,perfses can be issued Wlwut delay. 3-E IT F1T,171171, 11730INED, th4t by reason of thA facts and con- ditions above sett forth, MOW can!& not reasonably have been for - seen Fit the J.,inw of makiuV Um annual budget, the, Cit," Counc-`i Of the Cit, of Kali7l)edl hereloy rIea>rad tj,t rn (­jcr,- I lie withir t meaning of the first para"Fuji of Section 8, Claap�er if Lhe Twenty- seoonCl Session of " le Impi-qativO Assembly of the 3tate ­,f 1,do11`oaT1R, and that the amoun', of Money reQUiVed t') --lect "Itc"I emorgensy s the __� sum of '$1.000.00; and that the CitF,' C011110il of C't,' c" 1) kl. will meet or, the lUth Jal, of Fpbrunry, 1933, at -ym 001mcil Chanbenz in the City all, in the of Kal,i,3peil at the hour Of 5:00 o'clock I'.-,,- vj',.iclh time 4W plaV ce M, taxPaY.',r ma." appear an! be wxd Var or v�rl�nA the expon!tire of the money fol' .L c ,r,, , , aW It cy is orderad thnt the city Clnrk Five notice M' toe pas;jai ce of this resliation an! the time and place of tho "negr"ric upon � Ie, "as required by lqw. Wanimously ndopted by !J`iu Ctt�, Council Of LhO CitY Of K"IsPell and approved by tis j,",ay,-)r, janiiary 26, 1�'�)33. J. P. 3RUCKIUTI�3,T'i ATTEST: Mayor City pierk i" A. KOPPA10 janut y STATE O-F COTWIlly O'IAI ri-111,11,11"n"u'D ) 3s. CITY 01" LALIJ"-'ML 1, A. Ji. Koppang, City Clerk df the City of lialispell, Kontana, do a full, rue anuor td rect -)y cortify that tLE, fort-��g (.o�py of - resolution pas-,rad by t1io Git'y Council ,A' tite of Kalispell, Idontoni, an !Ae 26H day oC January, 1�.1303.4W approved by the 1.Iayor of said C-ty oil t1le Saw date. A ye1(,'-Leric,e