Resolution 1431 - Public Works Project - Hwy 93TWOUTHL 10. 1431
"�"' , o 3tate Coranissirsi of Tfont!nui is lesirous
M constructow a seution of r, 3, 1,i��hway 1','o. 'D3 the
pity K,,all Ispall rind is desirous of rout:,n,,? lt':ie ti;fflc or,
said K>-Inv-)y ovur ',-,_,�treet; and,
I -1 0 1- j r e C f" nr
t�v� �3t� 0 -a ':i 11�,'Vo�V COIdi i3B.-ILOL 1-3 d .3i, Cs �-, Of
FederRI Aid for the inpuaveC','lant c),r' scid, and,
Agriculture of the Vnited States of !,,:iCrica will.
in tke conitrMC' tum of slid an,,l ,,.nless tne
of Kallspoll will ngroe to rafrai% frma pendtUnr cmcnmch-
MMS LTnn the rinht of ony of 2al.,1 .'�ove moi'tLorned street and
Mil and unleos tne nl, "" of T""n2i'spell 11, C-I'OC, �0 refrain
frwr-' "')'Isni'��'.
25 Man por Tigir nn sail Qwvc my4ior& streen aiA. until
nnd qnleNs tie city nf Kalispell will ruvree t- rpfTaU frnn
e ro ti T" a p!',o ',es a ad ,, 1 tn, t 1 , T"'re"'er-
Pnoo to we& routow or that' %"."'11' �Llrle'r (sue traffic on
said <ibuvo street.
be it rewqvwl hy thn C1 ty COMCH of NOY CA ty
Xxilispell tint for nnd in nonsidmnOw of tho Mntu Qjnmy
7=0=2n of MrMn and tlm>3-urcriu of T'u5l1c :Wads of Cie
')e "'.)a r t e T" t i c _'L t .", re o 1' t he T-In i te,,� ;a
thpoloo the C,jty j Q
a 's ln .1..1 (TV e r t I, e e it
'Vi tbe, "'t,1Ite 'M""I"'a'ay cLild t!le' :9,-reuu o La
Public Roads !Ant it M11 1M, pornl-t. encroach-
.,i.,,nts on tn(`1 ri''ht ")" of t:,u,%'_Lonec1 street nor
will it pass any ;v,dQanccv3 tw laus fixi... , ri speed limit an
ana-ve motioned struct of indenr 25 Mies per Mur, nor
will it alLow M erect! n of si,,,, set!,ipphores or 617als that'
will give prM,-,re'ncP to louul imutes WAch AteN"ut vAtn sail
aba7�c aerticn..ed street, nw, thqt will slow un hiMer or de-
lay traffic on tlhn�')ovQ street.
AdOy',,t--?O, 0�- and by tlo' -.nyo'. t'a�.s
1, 1, D, lormlien, Met? of the MQ of Yqi�rnll fn Mr9by
certify thit tho Qmvy rewilution wan .. eqWmrn, MY& 10 Qic
city nt a 2F.31'�� '�ay
Th 110711 MADF, 1 have Orr,',unto ,et ',ny nand Anl t'.c!"_xad
the sew off' smid City this M4 day of "'pBrOR 1 Be 7 4
�; ��' `6
Clark of-M City MVAdlreil