Resolution 1430 - Lease from Great Northern - Ball Parkkl R730L'.'T1U IX. 1430. .A RESOL'TTIOE ATITI-R)RIZING, TlPi; ACG�,TVVTI-C!" Ai,l) C)7 1L LEASE FOR PART OF 711' C-1,11-PAT NOTTENI, RATLV7AY COITAMS RI(!HT-0j1-%'-1TAY F1011 DALL 74,11,3K -FV.'TQ6-H4'8; 31? IT il"ll,")OLTHM BY TM CITY COTM,011, OF TTE CI',"Y OF KA1JSI1,4LL, IJ 111 ITIATI, A: TTL%T T-TER,-TAS, The City of Kalisptyll is desirous of leasing the most northerly one hundred feet of Vlie right-of-way of the Great 1,ortliern Railway Company lying between the westerly line of Thirl Avenue ;Fast and th(easterly line 0-11, Second Avenue; East extendel in the City of Kalispell, 11',Iontana, "or ball, perk piirposesv and the, said. Great Rorthern RRilwRy Corn-nny has offerred to lease to the ,'ity of Kalispell t'ie tract of land above descri,)ed for ball. park purposes for the sum of One Dollar, and said Railway Company has subiniitted a Lease in its usual for,',l and contairling- the usual covenants recuired by sairl Railway Cor�,,pnny in its, leases for lands belon,ging to said. (,1,,,)Tnpany; , I - TJT," 1" 1! -,T, 141,1 -P jj',T fR1fT�,R IMOLVED, that the City of Kalispell accept a lease from the said Great Lorthern Railway Company for the tract of lead herein described for ball park purposes, and the Mlayor and Uity Clerk are }iereb,7 duly ai thorized to P xec :ita suoh a lease for rand in behqlf' of the Ci tY of Kali,,,pell, and upon its execution, acceptance and delivery by each of the parties thereto tkie same shall beco;,'ie a legal and biliding contract and oblimqton upon the part of t,jf, City of Kajlisp-lj, Passed and approved t1ils 20th day of February, 1�J34. Mayor J. P. Bruckliauser Attest: I. D. RoC%Uie-n, City Clerk. SVIte of Lontana County of Flathead ss. City of yalispell I. , 1. D. Ro,,°nlien, City Clerk of tI,,e City of j,-alj-sT)elj., "Tontana, hereby certify the foregoing to be a fiAll, true and correct copy of a resolution passed an,d approved by the City Coincij alad Mayor respectively on the 20t1a day of February, 1931. citt r!VerLk8-