Resolution 1429 - Channel to Divert Spring CreekRESOLINION h0. 1429. TIEP 1',-KT',CT,710h BY 71E I'L"M ' � AMD CITY (LFRK OF' Tll�s' CITY 0" KALII�;P'�11, 0"" PN A(ME71",1,7 1hfI['H TH O'MT T-t i A I I , 71A Y C 0 Y � .1011, � A R I (I T' T - 0 W. A, Y if 0 R A C I 1A 11, 1 � E]L F OR I I I J 1'( i EP OF DIVERTIII-C, T`,'�, WATE1-1,,'.) OF CRT]M. 13113 IT RESCILVID 3Y THa CIT'T COIJIXIL OF T,1]' CITY 0-TP KPA-7""Spr1l" WIFTMEAS, the City of Kalinpeil is desirous of diverting., the waters of 8prin,- Creek in the West portion of the City Of halis- pell into as 11 ew Channel to be, constructed upori and alon�c, the Southerly side of the right-of-way of the IIarjon Brands ol tt'.e Great Eorthern Railway Company from a -point w`lere said creek intersects said right-of-way at the mill porld of the Yalispell Lumber Cc)mpany and just west of' the Kqaispoll Flour Mill Comp anylo plant; we�sterly to a point where said ri-,--ht-of-way is intersected by Ashley Creek, and it is neces�.ia.ry for ttlat purpose th,-It the City of Kalis- ' nell obtair f-rom. the Great I' 'orthern Railway n Company n enspzment for tne use, of i portion of 111ae ri,'(71it-of-way of saic Rail -way Co -many for snid purposes; and the (,,reat Northe-rn Railway Ccm-pany has ap-reed to ive to the City of YRlispell such easernent it' the USUR1 form us,ed by the., I 'Rai lsay Corlpany with nece,,3sary and proper clauses to roll sfiid Rnilway Company free, clear and lharmless frnra ',Any �anfl all actions, oostq and da-ma, Yes whatsoeve'r which Mc-ht arise tbe said Railway corapany, its sucoessors or by reason of the construction zqnd mairtenanme of sold di h upon said rir,,-ht-of-way. 137 Ill -IFIFGIP7 RESOLVED, that the City of Kalis--,ell accept from t'ie Great Tiortherrj Tinilwoy Company an easeur ent in the:; u,,,ual form containing the provisions nbove set forth and enter into an wreement to construct, keep °,-ind raaintFiin said ditch in a first class ,and avorkatwanlike rnnnner, with proper slopes and so, as to provide 'nr(),per sup port for the a-Ijacent banks amd to indemn'Lf'v, save, Reap anti hold the Great horthern Raiiway Company, clear and liarraless fram any and all claims, deMRnds, darange's and actions whatsoever arising or to arise, out of tlie construct -ion and maintenance, ol' said ditch and tlae, sane as a cliannel for the divevsion of the waters of ai,,l 'jprinr Creek, and also from any and all. claims, dar,,Aa0-(z,,s find demnnds whatsoever t,,rising, oiaA of th,e constructiara =�.nd maintenance of F—aid ditch by reas)n of loss of clipport to adjaoent banks :and lands, as well as any structi4rle of road be-�s of t-'ie said, Great 11orthern Railrzny Cord7,- any; and thall the Mayor and City Clork are here',)y duly wither- ized to accept such an easement from. tPle Ureat Nortliern Rail- way Corapany, a Ifinnesota ,,,'orporation, and execute such a ree- ment or acreerae.rts cOTitainin-g, the coves-ts and stipu2,ations herprbefore set forth, and upon its execution and delivery, and acceptance by eaeh of the parties tt'iareto the same slmll b,3cone I f -. binainc,, contr�olt r3nrl obli�,,ation upon the City o La 11 sp e 11 -11asse- ect,ely and appro-ved by tl-ia Citv (�oijjicil and Mayor resp iv this "11,th day of Felbrunry, 11.434. ,ray o r . Attest: flify Cler°k State of "'!ontana County of Plataeud City of Kalispell I. I. D. ito-nlipn, City. Clerk of the City of Kalisp11, 11oritana, hereby certify that fore,Toing to be a full, true and correct copy of ti resolution passed and approved by the City Council and Llayor respectively on the 20th day of F'ebrunry, 1�34 - --