Resolution 1435 - Emergency - Bond PaymentRES01,77TION NO. 1435
Ian CE73S OF 717, 3UDG7T TO M71?,T M1110A'VCR�,r 7-TN,'IvSES RFQ!1jR7j) 3y J,A7�T r02
WTPM'�,'AS, the current budget of the city of Kalispell fails to provide
sufficie"t funds to pay all, of the expenses incident and necessary in
tae Conduct of the office of the City Treasurer, the City Hes1th Depart
went of the Carnegie Library in that the exponse necessary for the
payment of the bond of the City Treasurer, was over -looked in making up
the annual budccet in the year 1J33, and it is necessary and required by
law that said bond premium be paid which at this time amounts to the sum
of 111�0.00* that due to an epidemic of contagious diseases in the City
of Kalispell within the past three months the City HealtA department
has been required to expend varioijs sums in quaralltinilig hc)r, s, fumiFa
ing the same and doingother things required by law which Could not be
forseen at the tine of the njaking of the annual badger in the year 1V33,
and this expense amounts to tile sua of approximately 1�75.00. that due to
the increase in prices 'to be paid for library supplies over 'what had
been paid in previous years. A mi8take ill the estimate in the amount
required for the insurancf, premiura on the building and contents arid the
failure to include unpaid obligations of the previous year*; the library
fund has been exceeded in the sum of $344.1 8; and
Wh-�MEAS, such obligations incurred as above set forth exceed the amount
provided by the Last annual budget and by reason, thereof it is necessary
and. mandatory that the same be paid:
BE IT THEREFOR71 R7iSOLV"D, that an emergency is 'nereby declared to exist
under the provisions of the second paragraph of section 8, chapter 121
of the Laws of the Twenty-second Legislative Assembly of the State ff
Montana, and that the current budget fc)r the several funds above named
by exceeded in the followin�r�, amounts respectively,
ExPel`130 of the GitY Treasurer's Office $190.00
7t,xpcnse of the City Health Department 117 5. 0 0
7xpen,se of the Carnegie Library fund 344.98
That eiaerg.ency warrants be drawn a-vainst the funds above nam(,d and
properly chargaable xith such expenditures tblat the City Treasurer is
authorized and directed to pay such warrants with any Money ill any
funds availabl--; for that purpose, and if there is not Sufficient money
available to psy such warrants, then the snme shall be 1-egistared,
bear interest and called for payment in tare rannner provided for by' IRVI
for otnel, City ","larrants.
Thibein,-, an emerLancy Resolution as set forth herein t'lle sane shall
take effect and be in full f'orea and effect Immediately upon its
pnssa,ge and approval.
Tforegoing Resolution unanimously adopted by R vote of all raerabers
present st a meeting of the City Coulicil of the City of Kalispell, held
on the 6th day of Tune, 1934.
C1 ty CleTk
State of ldontana
County of Flathead 3, S
city of -Kalispeil
J . P. 9ruckhauser
May 0 r
I, Clerk of the City of Kalispell do hereby certify that
the, Wove resol'ition was regrularly adopted by the Council of said
City nt, a meating tliereof held the 6ta (lay of June, 1934
Clark of the City of Kali's 13,P 11