Resolution 1478 - Petitions Legislature to Increase Cities RevenueRESOLUTION #1478 A RESOL17TION PETIT"i-OhIEG TIM LE(IISLATTTRE OF THE STATE OF i10NTAhll TO TUvIWT APPROPRIATE LEMSLATIOh, VPIT4,REBY 7,T .. AE REVMUE OF CITIES MAY BE INCREASM-. BE IT RESOLVED BY 717, CITY COTMCIL OF TH3 CITY OF KALIS11',43U, MOINTAI4A; i�IkISREAS, THE CITY OF KALIUELLI 1101,,ITANAj 15 in need or add t! 1 u necessary for the policing and fire protection of said City of Kal ispell and proper cire of its streets and other operations of city government: Ahrl) WTIT"REAS the City GOUncil of said City of Kalispell, I-Iontana, deems it necessary, expedient and essential to the welfare of said City of Kalispell, 'dontana, that a greater portion of the taxes, license fees and revenue assessed by the 3tate of Montana be apportioned to said ("ity of Kalispell,- NOIN TTMEFORE, Be it hereby resolved that this body deeds it necessary that the LeFislatiire of the zitate of ',!ontana enact appropriate legis- lation for the following*purposes: 1. " law giving to the Uit, of Kalispell, dontana, the power to control 'and regulate and prosecute gambling; within res- pective corporate limits. 2. A law amendinE, the state liquor law for the purpose of giving to cities adequate portion of i,evenue derived frcri the sale of liquor. 3. A law giving to cities and towns a part of the :Mate Auto License Plate revenue. 4. A law giving municipalities more protection against damage suits. 5. z law exempting cities, equipiaent froi.ri the state gasoline tax. 6. A law changing city elections to every two years and ex- tending the term of elective officers to four years. iiPPROVED: J. P. 3 7 RTTCKH ATTSFR 1,1 a yo r ATTEST: F. J. ROBISC110N City Clerk 'itate of "Iontana ) ss County of "lathead) 1, 7. T. Robischon, Clerk of the Gity of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the al)ove resolution was re,7ularly adopted by the Council of said City at a , 'neet4 n�r thereof held the 7th day of :ranuary, 1935,