Resolution 1436 - Emergency - Jurors and Witness Payments77,")OLUT10h NO. 1436 A I R7 7F'401,kTTIO,1v DECLARUG AN MERMRC( aUD 1M11111-P,-171 97HTEET LIAND.11"ORY -Jrmms -3y l"""'V "'n ,1L031S, 0I ATO IVI 137 17' U30WID 9Y 71", CITY COUCIL OF TM, CIT�L' (,'F KALISPELL, Iviontana: the current bud�-�aL for City of Kalispell fails to pro -vide sufficient funds to pay all of the expenscs incident and necessary in the Conduct of tb-a .AMoe luE ti-10 PoIjCE,, LlaCiStrte, III t1°.',1t t1le expenses necessary for payment of the Turors and witnesscs was budget - ad for 125.00, wh-on actuaily *59.25 was paid as required by Mw; that the, ariount provided in the einergency resolution J! 1434 for coripletion of the ball park was tnadequcite and, an aMitional sum of 1,200.00 is necessary therefor, and MIER7�,A'3, such obliCations, incurred as above set forth exceed tl.e aniount provided by the last annual butget and by emereoncy resolutimi ,�1434 and by reason thereof At is necessary- and niandatory t1lat the sari-- Yoe paid. 9M TT EARRVRE, RESOL-V-T-), TH,'iT Ah T3 hereby dee,!�rsd to exist under thn nrovisions of the second paragraph of section 8, Chater 121 of the lees of the Twenty-sec(.,)nd Legisla-tive Assembiy of the State, of 111�lontana, and that the current bud'.Qet for the several funds nuove named be exceeded in the folio"r"LiaL, awounto -,,espec tivv1y: 7,�.xpense of t1he r�oiice 14, $34 . 05 a�, to 77,,,:pen,r,e Of 3all Park p200. OU That emernenny warrants be dpawn ae ,ainst the funds above n".nefl rind pro�per,"-y 011,1r,"geabin with such expanditMOS nni that tbC Cit., 13'rerisurer is autlnoriz�,d ,nd lirocted tO IMIY SuCh 'qaPrar,ts w-1 th nfly money ...n any fu-n�T.s -91ailable for that -ourlose, and if thre is not sufficiE-,,,nt money avUlable to pay such warrahts, thon the sa�:ie s�uall be reEJstered bear intere�,it cnd called fur payment in the smnn= poovided for by , , !,�w for otner City 'Uarrants. Tliis beins' -Ti -faen-ency Resolution as set forth her,,,:.in tlac', Suae rliall take effect and be in fill force and effwA Dowdisely upon it,,-1 Fassage wo approval. Tha forogui-ng Resolution unanimously adopted by Vote of ull n�embk-,-rs present Rt a meeting of the City Coucji c)f (,,,ity of Kalispell helan the 30th day of lure, 1p34. ( signed) Attest T. 0. MMWlien (SQLed) Ulty Clerk State of TAMMa County of 71n.thead SS �1 ty of Knlispqll 1% 0. Williams TrMdwA of the Conalil 1, 1. D - AsKien, Cloy k Of ' he City of Kali sl7,,-,,12 %4o riereby certify t'iat tj.Le ,ibove resolution vis re1jularly Ko,,pted lay the Council of saj.d City at ri, .;ieetin,(?- e lt-se 3CtI, day of Tune, lc,34. , ther.of I-'sd Mrk-uf two Mq, no 7nlispell