Resolution 1483 - Water Works to Turn over Certain FundsRESOLUTION 11o. 1463 A RESOLUTION THEIMM WORDAMMARTMENT OF THE CITY 0' , UTO 0 KALI]ML 'MOVER N OVC',P11TAIN 11011. 779 TO 711.' C,7MERAL FUND 07 ME CITY OF KALISPELL BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY ' OUNCIL OF T11-j, CITY OF MONPANA. 17HERFAS, -the ,,;ater �,,orks Departrient of the City of Kalispell is indebted 'to the Ceneral "und of the City of Kalispell for interest collected upon the deposits of its funds pursuant to the provisions of section bQ36 of the 13evised Codes of Montana, 1921, a3 amended by Chapter 49 of the Session Laws of 19,10, and by reason thereof demand is hereby made upon the officers of the 'Water "larks Department for a payment by such department to the General 'Pund of the City of Kalispell in the sum of lb,000.00 as a partial payment of the amount due the General fund, of the City. That the '3uperintendent and Cashier of the 1,7ater works Department are authol,ized pursuailt to t,11is Resolution to issue the necessary check or checks fur the purpose of complyint; with the demands herein made. 11nallimously adopted and approved by the City C;uuncil of the City of Kalispell, !tiAloritanj, at a special rcioeting held this 2?th day of June, 1�3b. (Signed) J. P. 1A, --.1yor Attest: —7. J. Robisohon City Clerk 11erk 'tate of "Aantana County of Tliatliead) SS I, 17, . Robiasollon, C,'lerk of the City of Kaiispoil, do hcreby certify that the nI.,)ove resolution was regularly adopted by the "ouncil of said City at as mexting thereof held the 27th day of rune, I-J3b. Clerk of the City of haiispell