Resolution 1328 - Exclusion of PropertyTIO!", 1v0. 1326 THAT VVHEREA5, tile CitY Coullcil Qf did at the 1egulal- rrIontjlly of that body 1,,eld February 1st.,1032,t1hrough proper resolution, iDstruct thf,-,, City Cierk to advertise for protest the peti,tion of, property oiInjers signed 11y laore than three -fourths in value of the territory asked to be excluded from the corporate li,nits of the city of kLalispEa11,a description of the territory saught to be excluded being as follolms,- CoLlyriell -'Areea t t the point of . cilig n the horth line o 'L 17asl ingto int-eracotion with the West iine of second Avenue est Xorth;thenop- westerly on the horth line of 'ti'Iashington troet to its intersection with the west line of the Northeast quarter of tile. Southwest quarter of Section 7,Tovinship 28 North,!IiRnge 21 'aYest,111%lvl., thence ir, a northorly dire otion alloilC, the ',Kest line of than 1,,,ortheast qaartcr of the ' i, 3outhwest auarter of '13ection 7,Township ;'a llorth,],lange 21 �Vest. 1'. ,, to the ',northwest corner of' the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of S'ectioi 7,To,�,mship 2£3 Eorth,Ran-e Cl in an ensterly direction along blic North line, of the Northeast �uort;r of t,,19 ,'rOutlllwest quarter of 3ection 7,Township 26 lNorth,Rringe .2,1 ,lost, lta., intersection ipitlj t,,I.e of :3eeond Avenue 1,Jest lNortil;thence in a southerly direction along the Fleet line Of jtvonue ,,7est 1,1orth to its intersection cTith tJjt� J,,orth line of "iias, lington �)treet,which is the point of coViMell0ellient. n thc City Clerk has advised. tile- City.Council that 11-lie proper publication for protest Inas been published in the official grape r -for tl-m, City of Kalispell in thO t�,110 suC",C:3'ss I ive issues of The Tilaes of February ith.,19321, and February Uth., 1.932 and that proper Affadavit of Publication of said. notioe 1las beaon fu fia6 bcen no gritten prote3ts urnished by the printer,and there hav filed by property Owners adjacent to the property.petitioned for exclu,sion within twenty days of t1le first publication of said 116ticc; 11"HEUEFOELP BE IT RESOIXED that the property above described be a 3pe � excluded from the corpor'�Ate .limits Of the City Of kL'-,Ii,' ii and a that the corporate iijilit-, of the city be changed by continuing the present corporate limit li"a , outherly along the West lime of 5ecolld ,%,venue point of iU4 e , r S E, 0 West North to the 'tioll WitIl the North line of Washington Street,thence in a w(-?ster!y direction along the North lilge, of Vlashington Street to the point Of intersecti011 with the West line of the Northeast quarter of tile souti,,�vest �juarter of i3ection 7, Township 28 Korth, fang 21 lfieat, ldi-1,1: this trein67 the Only ohang;e in the, prraseat curporRte lirflits Of the City of KaaI"Pell through the passa6e of this resolution. i':fso fee FA and approved by the Uity Coullcil of the City Of K li",peen. this 3e-ven.th day of J,Iarch,1932. Approved by the LMayor` of tile City of KaIiOpc�il, this 3evanth day of iv,arch, 1932. ,Atte st ;pd�,mrd DickV._--- dayor. ;TAT,1�, 01F !WNTIdiA ) COW= OF FL,,.THLPA)) CITY' OF LLLI�;PZLL I,Edward Dickey, Clerk of the City of K�,aispell,,'Illontana, do hereby cortify that the foreGaing is a full,true and exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, I T.Wntana, the Seventh day of Llarch,l(�32. -Edward DiakL City, C]Le�:K.