Resolution 1327 - Petition - Territory to be Excluded from City111'aS01 UTION NO. 1321. TILD�T 'WUIMEAS,there was filed with the City Clerk of the City of E',alispell, a petition signed by more than three -fourths in value of the territory sought to be excluded from the boundaries of the City of Kalispell and that said Petition prayed for the exclusion from the boundaries of the Oity of Kalispell the following described property to -wit: Conunenoing on the North line of Washington Street at the point of interseetion. with the West line of Second Avenue West jorth; thence westerly on the North line of Vlashington Street to its intersection with the West line of the hortheast quarter of the Southwest 1,,uarter of Section 7,Township 28 lforth,Range 21 West, 11. la. , thence in a norther+ ly direction along the West line of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 7,Toivnship t98 North,Range 21 West,M.M; to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the 3outhwest quarter of Section 7,Townshilp 26 horth,11ange 21 West,lf.1,1. thence in an easterly direotion along the North line of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 7,Township 26 North,Range 21 West, I'M',1.,to its intersection with the "Jest line of Second Avenue West North thence in a southerly direction along the We line of Second Avenue West Forth to its intersection with the North line of I,Vashington Street,which is tile point of commencement. And that the boundaries of the city be changed so as to exclud.e. the said above mentioned and above described property. Therefore,Be it Resolved upon the examination of said. petition the City Council of the City of Yalispell finds that said 'petition is signed by the owner:3 of not less than three -fourths in Value of the territory prayed to be excluded and further finds that the terri- tory petitioned to be excluded is within the corporate limits of the City of Kalipoll acid on t1he border thereof;and further finds that the granting of said Petition will be to the best interests of the City of Kalispell and the inhabitants thereof;and further finds that it will not materially mar the symetry of the said City of Kalispell. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to cause to be published in the newspaper nearest to such territory petitioned to be exclude ,rat least once a 'week for two successive weeks,a notice which shall be to the effect that said resolution has been duly and regularly passed and that for a period of twenty (20)days after the first publication of such notice,such City Clerk will receive expressions, of approval or disapp-roval in writing, of the proposed alterations of the bounaaries of said City of Kalispell by the exclusion of the territory petitioned to be ex- cluded from the owners of the territory proposed to be excluded. Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Yalispell this 1st.day of February,1932. 1pproved by the Mayor of talcs City of Kalispell this Ist. day of 1-11 _.ebruary,1032. _D . F.11 os _burLh Attest Edward Dickey. Mayor. City Clerk. sll,101,1 or 1,10hTYiNA C30,11N'TY 0171 FLATI-1,,IiLD CITY OF Y ­ T I L L 3 1 �)s I, Edward Diokey,Clerk of the city of Kalispell, 1.11ontana, do hereby certify Blatt the fore6oing is a full,true and exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council of the City Of Kalispell, tllie Ist. day of' February,1932 and approvod by the, IAapr of ,,,aid city on the 3erie date, Mward Dickey. City Clerk.