Resolution 1287 - Boundaries of Oil Sprinkling Districts11N:�
SECTION 1. That Oil Sprinkling District No 1 shall be composed
of the following property,the boundaries of which are as follows,;
OIL SPRIEKLING DICTRICT No 1. Beginning at a point which
is the intersetion of a line running northof the east property
line of Block 36 and the north line of Railtoad. Street;thence
east along the north line of Railroad Street to a point fifty
feet east pf the east side of Woodland Avenue; thence southerly
along Woodland avenue and 50 feet east of the same to an inter-
section with the extension of a line running east from the south
line of Lot 1,Block 200; thence west along said line to the
center line of the alley in Block 201;thence south along said
alley to a point 50 feet south of the north boundary line of
Block 204;thence west along the south line of Lot 12,Block 204
to the west property line of said block; thence south along the
west property line to the south line of Lot 12, Block 242; thence
west along the south line of Lot 1,Block 206 to the center of
the alley; thence south along said center line to the north
property line of Block 248; thence west along said property line
to the northwest corner of Block 249; thence south to the south-
west corner of Lot 12,Block 249; thence west along the south line
of Lot 1,Block 250 to the center line of alley in said block;
thence south along said center line to the City Limits; thence
west along the boundary line of the City to its intersection with
the center line of the alley in Block 251;thence north to the
south line of Lot 12tBlock 251;thence west along south line of
said lot to its southwest corner;thence north to its northwest
corner; thence east to its northeast corner; thence north tonorth-
east corner Lot 12 Block 213;thence west to the northwest corner
of Lot 1,Block 214; thence south along east side of alley in
Block 214 to south side of Thirteenth Street; thence west
along said boundary line to Its intersection with the center
line of the alley in Block 916; thence north along said center
line to a point 50 feet south of the north property line of said
block; thence west along a line parallel with the north property
line and 50 feet south of the same to its intersection with the
center line of the alley in Block 217; thence north along center
line of said alley to a point 50 feet south of the north property
line of Block 131; thence west along the south line of Lot 1B
Block 131 to the center line of the alley of Block 16 Fisher -.dd;
thence north along the center line of said alley to the south property
line of Block 6 Fisher Addition; thence west along the south property
line to the center line of the alley in Block 5 Fisher .addition;
thence north along said center line of said alley to a point 50 feet
south of the north property line of Block 110;thence west along a line
parallel with said north property line to the west property line of
Lot 1,Block 6 High School ,�ddition,thence north to the northwest
corner of Lot 6 Block 183; thence east along the north side of said
lot continued to the center line of the alley in Block 184;thence north
along said center line to the south line of Lot 12,Block 174;
thence west to the west property line of said block 174; thence north
to the north property line of Lot 7 Block 170;thence east to the center
line of the alley in Block 170,thence north to south property line of
Lot 12 Blonk 170; thence west on south property line of Lot U,
Block 170,to west property line of said block; thence north to the
north property line of lot 7 Block 165; thence east to the center line
of the alley in Block 165; thence north along said center lino tO th
north property line of Nlock 162; thence east along said property
line to the northwest corner of Block 161; thence north to the
northwest corner of Lot 7 Block 158;thence east along the north line
of Lot 7 Block 158 extended to the center line of the alley in Block
159;thence north along said center line to a point 60 feet north of
the north property line of Block 159;thence east along said line
being the north line of Railroad Street to the west line of Main
Street; thence south along the west line of I�Aain Street to the
south line of Lot 2 Block 135; thence west along the south line of
Lot 2 to the center line of the alley in said block 135;thence south
along said center line, to the south line of Lot 10,Block 66; thence
east along the south line of Lot 10 extended to the center of the alley
in Blook 64;thence north along said center line to the south line of
Lot 17,Block 37;tbence west along the south line of said lot continued
to the east lint, of Jain Strnat;thence north to the point of beginning.
I- I ,AMMON 2. That oil l3-prinkling uistrict ho 2 shall be conposed
of the following property,the boundaries of which are as follows;
Oil. in
3sprink " 'InC is No 2. Beginng qt a poilit which is
the northwest corner of Lot 7,Block 158; thence south to the northwest
corner of Lot 12,13lock 161; thence west along the north line
of Lot 1,131ock 162 to the center line of the alley in said block;
thence south along the center line of tile alley to the north line
of Lot 7,Block 1.65; thence west along the north line of Lot 7
tc) the west property line of the blook; thence south to the south line
of Lot 12,Block 3-70; xhence east along the south line, Of Lot 12
to the center line of the alley;thence south to the north line of
Lot 7,Block 170; thence west alone, said, line to the west property
lira: )f tj:ie blook;thence south along the Aid line to the south
line of Lot 12,Block 174;thence east along said line to 'the center
line of the alley; thsnae south along said center line of the alley to
the north 11Lrn0 of Lot 7,31*cl: 184; thence writ along said line to the
west property line of Lot 6,131ock 183; 'thence south along west side
of Let G,Blook 183 to south line of Lot J,Biock 100; V"ience east along
south line of said ItA I e7tpnded to the center line of the alley in
Block 110; thence 3outh along said center line of alley to %be
intersection with South property line of Block 5,"Fisher addition;
thence east a,lojs.C, the north line of Ninth Street to the center line
of the alley in Block 6,Yisher ndditioxi, thence south along the
center line of said alley to the souti, lijju, of Lot 12,31ock 16 Fisher
addition; thence east along said line to the oenter line of the alley
in Block 131; tjiea(,e south along, the center lAne of said alley to a
point 50 feet south of the south side of Twelfth Street; t.11ence west
along a line parallel to and 50 feet south of t.,4e south side of Twelfth
street to its intersection with the center line of t,he alley in
Block 146 condinued;thence north along said canter line to tile south
ljn(; of Lot 1,3lock 17 Fisher �Lddition;thence west along said line to
the, center line of Fifth Avenue West; thence north along the oenter
line of Said avenue to a point 50 feet south of the south side of
Tenth Streat;thence viest along the south line of Lot 12,Block 14
Fisher _tdditlon to the center line of the alley. in Block 13,Fisher
,e I kddition;thenco north along said center line to its intersection with
the center line of Tenth Street; thence west along said ces.ter line
to its intersection with. the alley south of Block 14 TT.S.Add.,
thence -north along said center line -to the ssuth line of Lot 1('3,Blook
10 High Sohool addition, thence west along said center line to
the west proporty line of szid block,thence, north to the northivest
corner of said block, thence west along the soutn side of Eighth Street
West to its intersection with the center line of Block ;3chool.
Addition, continued; thence north along said center line of alley to
its intersection with the center line of Fourth Street 'Xest;thence
following west on the center line of Fourth Street west to the Western
boundary line of the City thence north along said boundary line to
the north line of Lot 7,31ock 1-64; thence east to the center of the
alley in Block 164;thence north along said center line to its
intersection with the western boundary line of the city, thence
north along said boundary line of the city to the north property
Line of Blook 1.56; thence east along said property line to the center
line of 'the alley in Block 137; thence south along said center line
to the north line of Lot 6,31ock 157; thence east to the place of
SY,CTION 3, That Oil 1)15,TRICT No 3 shall be composed
of the follcming property,the boundariezo of which are as follows,,
oil Sprinklina District No 3. 9eginning at a point which is
the southeast corner of Block 153,thence west along the south
property line of said block to the center `Linea of its alley;thence
north along said center line to the south line of Lot 121,,Block 153;
thence west along the south line of said lot continued to its inter-
section with the western boundary line of the city;thence martin
aloTig said boandary line to its intersection with the north line of
Lot 6,31-ock 149; thence east along a lineparailel with and 50 feet
north of tints north line of Idaho Street to its intersection with
the center line, of the alley in Block 147;thance north along the
r,- r,
center line of said alley 'to a point 50 feet narth of the north side
of Washington Street;thence east along a line parallel and bO feet
north of the north side of Washington Jtreet to its intersection
with the center line of the third alley west of 1a,Iain Street,continued;
thence north alonp, said center line continued to its intersection
with the north boundary line of the city;thence east along said
boundary line to the *(-,st line of, Second Avenue West 1lorth;thence
north along said boundary line to its intersection with the north
line of Lot 7,Block 235 extended; thence east along said line to its
intersection with the center line of the alley in Block 254;thence
north along said center line 'to the northern boundary of the City;
thence along said northern boundary line to its intersection with
the center line of the alley in block 227;thence south along said
center line to the north line of Lot ,Block 227; thence east along
said lino to its :intersection with the center line in the alley of
Block 226;thence north to the boundary line of the Uity,,thenoe
east and southerly- along the boundary line of the Uityto its
intersection with the center line of the third alley east of Main
Street;thence south along said center line to the north line of
Lot 6,Block 224; thence east along said line to its intersection with
the boundary line of the City which it follows easterly to its
intersection with the center If the alley In Block e,,Duncans &ddition;
thence south along said center line to the north line of Lot 6,said
Block 2;thence east along the north line of Lot 6 to the east
property line of the block;thence south along the east property line
to the south line of Lot 1,Block 9,uuncans Addition; thence west along
the south line of Lot 1,Block 9,to its intersection with the center
of the alley in said block; thence south along said center line to
the north property line of Block 10 1)uncans Addition; thence west
along the north line of said block to the northwest corner of the
block;thence south 50 feet along the west property line of the
block; thence west along the south line of Lot 1,31ock 11,Duncans
Addition to the center line of the 6th. alley east of 14ain, Street
extended;thence south along the extended center line to its
intersection with the south line of Lot 1,Block 21 extended; thence
west along, the south line of 'Lot 1,Block 21 to its intersection
with the center line of the alley in Block 21;thence south along
said center line to the Great Northern right-of-way; the -Tice west
along said Great Northern right-of-way to the east line of Fourth
AVOMle East 14orth; thence north along said eastern line of said
avenue to the south property line of Blook 21; thence westalong
said south property line of Block 21 extended to the aoutheast corner
of Block 153, the place of beginning.
113ECTION 4. rhat 01.1 Sprinkling nj strict Vo.4 shall be composed of
the following property,the boumliries of which are as follows, -
Beginning at a point 50 feet northerly from the center of the alley
in Block 159 which would be the intersection point of Railroad
Street extended westerly from the north side of said street north
of Block 31 to the center of the alley extended northerly from
plonk 159;thence easterly to the north line of Railroad Street
north of Block 31;thence easterly on the north line of Railroaa
2trect to a point 142 feet east of the east line of i4'ourth avenue Yast,
which point wou " ).d be its intersection with the center of the alley
in Block 40 extended northerly;thenee northerly to the north
boundRry of the railraod right-of-way north of the Great Nort'hern
!iy Co tracks which point would be the point of intersectioyl of the
center of the alley in Block 21 extended southerly to the
north boundary line of ttie Great Northern Right-of-way; thence west-
erly along said Great Northern right -Of way- to the east line of
Fourth ave-nue East North; thence northerly along said east line of
-,aid avenue to the south property line of Block 21;thence Westerly
along the northerly boundary line of the (1�reat Northern right -of -Way
to th , e center of the alley in Block 15't5;th011C0 3oajtherly on as line
with the center 11ne of the alley in 3lock 153 extended to the
point of beginning.
�aection 5. That all of said Oil ailri.rak3aarg Districts 1-2-3 and 4 lie
within the corporate liralts Of the GitY Of K81isPe3'I , iVi on t an a
adopted this 3:rd. day of August 1931.®
approved this 3rd. coy of August 1931.
attest �,Award i)iokey. (,,ity Clerk. LTayo r
3tate of lvlontanu
County of Flathead
City of Kalispell
1, Edivard i)ickey,City Clerk for the city of
Llontana, do hereby oertify that the foregoing is a full, tree and
exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council of the
City of Kal,ispelijlontara, 4,Lugust 3rd.,1,931 and approved by the
1.Ilyor of said city on -the scoria data®
Edward Dick2Z. _