Resolution 1154 - Resolution of Intent - SID 235549 _W_071W W ME:=! 10 1 _;_'. SAWIS ._. !hut W QL4r"l T. .e R �vnsvz to Y 10 t40 301 roln Sol n2Q a in h7rov �.A A Arm t H a 1 foiwo: to -wit; thn Katu:110, D? L 1- 1 A At 1wh S&nmr , to to 05or "14", lily", ri*140, luyypol" 01,, SKA wnnv '0 a Vez, . Synrl-: 'Ve - rosant -nihwiq in -�W . ! WrOQ AhrnnI4 V., n2l,y or ZIOQ' On n -at, prwor%- Am 0 2 -:a n! i 1100. SAM= j. 7' �! Q� 7 . qVKVM e j�! 07 4m; 0 von�wvn in Mn,, thi �wllvo 40A 2: waY, in wvwa.�, in!! a in-orsistion stil bn �W"t Ve QKpint, snuh in, or parsol of 1=0 M"n, �41 MARM to vnn or Hn "Ma A.UYon, nnl�ojvy wV 3MM, vnnaaa, Aley�� ,n 1 "blin A=Sb, 10210 G. NO 505 ansosunant 01012 N 'all Ar in five 01141 nn :0,1 1. 0511 t 0, KOVU V 1. Mxi a I Ave yenn.�® VIA 11 on; StAntu � YM2 Lin !a WWMI as Is !K1 isoil: 5. Mat E411 J, Knil Oa �V for W j j"W 1norovn=1 A2triat Au?on 5 nria, istarost ut 6, from the Wo of rojotration wit.11 .'O:c ti,� foil, int3ran PLYU61" na"nuily 0. 0, first Vg n? innnav rf �10,, Jul, fivo Y.nrs rcom .an "d rowu ;A =; low M—o are 0=15 w the cralit of sa3h nowial Mrovemant W! avn:201,o pninsfor; tin !� s attavail fue-sin!ie sl�n:ntnrb 01 Kw 7!qor Od nQ Tn 315110 7. T%nt Oa tVs 20 dig if TV:, 1928 U tie jounall rvo-n in the My 1411 f Uzi' -M!, :hntn�w, a ragninr �awtj �, the jit,,r 1411 ip"Y �hd 7%VS On nl� --o""', ._ �,._he nnking of such vnyo=s nr On inahtj n of s.ch Jiis!Mt, proviGad OhO 6u-h Irsnav; "r; ranvhw 1, V, MV: AM wt WAn 15 Ws aft3r tie firsL -MInMic -f 0 in A-02o, , A -Qu ji, Wri t! itn� i, �,­,ark is Kareby nutK-Mzoi nn! Meow to girg the proner Win of the pBsow i" tVs rcwi tin 1, abllwtWn :md aD ropiroi 17 inw, xWh -Wyint.0 iin too &At all MUS, L S. W1100 in the it; of En:P alL POSSM by tha MY 7"Inell tkis V4 MY of Wro 19M. Arj roved b; the Wor of 211n.all Vis Ath My oC Sno, ON, 0. D. Mylor, Z_Vm Soto of 7mtmu ) joint; of FlAthaunj SJ, St" of 1411nell ) 1, 0. S. OrM71, SON 2; We, nt; of lval�011, Wtups, do 0 raij 0 � rt 1 fy M L V 1 FAI, trw Vul 1�03t 00,z or 4 rob-latior fus�-,01 Y Wor OH th, Qh daj of ine, IMS.