Resolution 1209 - Maintenance District 1929r--2 A '..-.�i:50':TTTIMV crevtinr- and establishin€- b1aintenance District No, 1920 in tne City of Kalispell, IAontMa, 1or the mainte-aance of trees --md boulevards. 37,('TTON I . That Maintenance District No. 1929 is '-Ieareby created in the City of Kalispell L'or the purpose of maintaining the trees and boulevards viiti:Lin the said district, and. that the enbii,e cost of such maintenance shall ire asse,,;'-.ied against the entire district; each lot or parcel of land witain such district to De assessed for that part of tae whole cost WiicL its area bears to 6he area or -6re entire district, exclusive of sti,eets, avenues, alleys and puolic places; pr ovided, however, that wen.ever any of the said, maintenance shall be alonC any side street, or bordering, or abuttini', upon the side of any corner loil. of any block, tact. 1;he aynount of the assessment aE.,ain,,-,t tlie prop,,rty in tI'As listrict, to defray t]Le coot of such maintenance, shall be so assessed, that er-�,ch sci,,,are, foot oil tle land, ei',)racad witliin any such cornt;r lw�, s.11111 Dear dou;,le the amount of the cost of such main'tenance that a sr.'-uare root of any inside lot shall. near; and that said district shall be composed of and Corixpri.se the foliowing'- descriJed property, to -wit: 'DLOCK I OT LOTS 1 1-12 includinc" street boulevards, all 2 1-192 3 1-12 4 1-6 A- 7-12 17 1-6 18 1-12 19 1-12 20 1 & 7-12 12 21 9-12 22 1-4 & 7-12 23 1-12 24 1-6 30 7-12 61 7-12 3�j 1-6 6 39 1-12 all 40 1-12 G &1 17 41 1-12 all 42 1-12 all 43 1-7 1 6 & 7 48 9-12 119 1-12 1-12 :,l 1-12 52 1-12 6 &, 7 53 7-12 e 7 b? 1-6 6 b6 1-12 all 4 ?I "T 0 CK LCIT 59 1-12 includin( street 0oulevards on all 60 1-12 6 12 61 1-12 7 12 62 1-112 tI all 63 1-12 all. 04 1-6 It 1 68 7-12 61D 1. -12 It 12 70 1-12 1-12 72 1-32 73 1-12 6 & 7 74 1-18 12 8,-, 13 'Ib 13-24 70 1-13 12 77 1-18 76 1-12 all 179 1-12 all 80 1-12 r 12 al 1-12 6 Fw 12 82 1-12 1 12 83 1-12 all 84 1-18 6 81, 7 65 1-13 12 &- 13 86 1-2-24 I-P & 13 81/ 1-16 88 1-12 all 89 1-6 92 1-6 93 1-12 all 04 1-16 1 & 12 9b 1-24 all 96 1-24 all 91/ 1-18 all 98 i-12 ail 99 1-12 all 100 2-12 1, '7 &� 12 1.01 3,4 u. 7-12 102 1-12 11 12 IL03 1-1.2 1 6 a-, 7 104 1-18 1. / &, 18 105 1-24 ail 106 1-24 all 1-07 1-18 1 & 12 108 1-12 10 C� 1-6 113 i-6 114 1-18 1 1-15 13-2 4- 13 IF," 24 1,16 1-12 1 &,, 12 111/ 1-16 all 116 1-12 all I-IP 1.20 7 - 1211 121 7-1-2 122 1-12 6 (1k 12 123 1-12 1, 7 & 12 124 1-16 6 12b 1-24 T1 1 24 126 1-24 24 12Y 1-18 121B 1-6 131 1-12 132 1-24 133 1-24 t 1 zs 12 134 1-16 1 18 115b 1-12 136 1-12, 137 7-12 1.38 7-12 139 1-12 140 1-6 141 7-18 7 t 1 a 142 1-24 143 1-24 it 0("T", :COT L C I 1 7 S m 144- 1-12 102 1-6 including street boulevards an 6 lb3 1-6 1b) 1-6 160 1 -6 161 7-12 162 1-6 16b 1-6 166 ?-12 ()Y 1-6 168 1-6 169 Y_1_2 I_r?O 1-6 1 17 ` 1-6 IN b 1-12 11/6 1_12 177 7-12 1713 1-12 179 1-6 184 1-6 lab 1-4 & 7-12 186 9-12 191 1-12 192 3 1-12 193 8-12 194 1 -.12 1.95 1-6 196 Y-12 197 1-12 198 1-12 199 Y-12 201 1 (;, 12 202 1/_12 203 7-12 21-4 7-12, ':'lb 1_6 16 7 & a 2 1 1 & of 2 220 1-12 221 1-12 2z,2 1-12 223 7-12 224 2 7-12 226 1-6 229 1-6 ,-",)o 1-6 233 1-6 6 b Duncans Add. 3chool District No. 0 Depot Park It (5 6 & 17 12 rr I &, 12 tv 12 7 2. That all of G,,ie move named property is , - witiin t_ie incorT)oratod lilmibs oi' the City of Kalispell. ,.Idopted vl.iis of of of AuC-ust, 1q29. ,mp-Droved t'riis bth da-Y of .,Iugust, 1929. S. P, BruckAauzer, Idayor. Attest, C. IE'. Trekell, Uity Clerk. State of' !,,"ontana County or 71atiiead City of Kalispell E. i`rekell, Clerk or tine City of Kalispell, Lontana, do hereby certify that tine for-_C oin[_, is a full, trne and exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council of tne City ol Kalispell, llaiontana, Au,d_,,ust and arproved ,ay uhe 11ayor or: said ci6y of 1;!'te same, date, City Glork.