Resolution 1208 - Resolution of Intent - Extend Lighting District 90 1 z A R7-,SOI,TTTTON of intention to extend _'pecial Improvement Lighting District No. 9. _7 CTTY COUN'13TI OF THI� (jTV OF K20 .E IT "37 TTT 0 TTON 1. That it is ti,.ie incention of the City council of the City of Kalispell to extend - "pecial lmp3,ovement Li,1,1_"htinP, District No. 9 fj= L1-10 p,.,rpose of li_-ttinr Vioodland Avenue at its intersections with Third and. Fourth 6troets. 3� E C T 10 Ni 2. That the territory inc-luded in said extension includes all property „oraoring on Woodland Avenue, from the north side of Lot 4, 131ock 193 to the soutil line of Lot- 3, Block 196, on either side of the avenue. TION 3. That the approximate cost of maintaininZ the li fiats in the proposed extension ()-'I- the district, and supplying electrical current therefore for the first year is the sum of :IMG.40. Thre, o -fourths of the cost siiall be asoessed_ag,,-,ainst the property e!-,qj)raced within the dirt-,ict, and one-foklact.11 paid from the General Fund of the City. SV7TON 4. l'.hat on the i5rd day ot 1_,eT)teT,-Lber, 1029 at tine Council Cnainber oll` the City Hall in the City of Kalispell rat ?:<% o'clock P. in(j. a.djourned regular meeting, the City Council .sill hear axed pass upoii all protests -that may be made ar�ainst ',he ivakin_ of such imp,•ovoments or the eatensionof said district. z "TINI, b. The City Clerk is iiereby autilorized and directed to Cive proper notice of the pas',,age of tkis :resolution by pu,)lioation and imailir_,-, as Tar;ulated by low. Such pul)lica- tion to be made in the K�,alispell Times, a weekly newspaper, p1lb- lislied in the City of Kalispeil. Passed this QLn day of jup,;ust, 19)29. Approved 1-linis bt'i day of AuIllust, J. P. _,Bruckiiauser, Mayor. Attest, C. 7,,1. Trekell, City State of i,,"oW-ana County of T-Plathead City of Kalispell I, c , 'T, Trokell, ;Clark of the City of Kalispell, 14ontalla do hereby certify hat zhe -1f. is a full, -true alad e,,:act copy of a resolution passed ioy the City Couneil of the City of Kalispell, Id'ontana, August 51-1h, 19;, and approved _�y the 1,,Playor of said city of' -u.ae same date. t