Resolution 1203 - Resolution of Intent - SID 242IM
A -'2,ESOLTJTTON of intention to create 3pecial Improvement District
No. 242.
SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the Citl-,,, Council ol'
the City of Kalispell to create a special improvement district, hereby
designated as Special Improvement District No. 242, and the 0oundaries,
of said proposed special improvement district are nerecy declared to
be as follows: Beginnin-- at a point w.1lich is the intersection or the
centerline of lJontana Street with the western boundary line of the
city, thence north along; the oounuary line to the nortA property line
of Block loO, thence east alonG said property line to the centerline
of 1/th. e. W. X., thence southerly along said centerline to the
intersection of the, centerline of Fontana Street, thence Viest to the
place of beginning.
SECTION 2- That the E,,enoral character or the improvements
to be made in said proposed Special Improvement District is as follows,
to -wit: The installation of an 8 inch sanitary sewer toget:ier with
all necessary appurtenances, said sewer extending tiiru tine alley of
T31ock lbO from IFontana 3treet to Idario Street.
SECTION 3. That the approximate cost of said improvements
is "400.00.
SECTION 4. That the entire cost and expense of such im-
provements, includinC street and alley intersections, shall be
assessed a;-ainsT the entire district, eacli lot or parcel of land
within such district to oe assessed for uaat -part of the whole cost
wnich its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive
of streets, alleys and pusnlic places.
S;-CTIOR b. That said assossment siiall be paid for in
five equal annual installments hereby ef,tendcd over a period of
five years. Said assessment shall constitute a fund to be known
as Special Improvement District Fund No. 242.
SECTION 6. That said improvements sh-all be paia for in
Special Improvement District Coupon '=,iarrants issued ap,,ainst said
district in the sum of $100.00 each, bearing interest at 6 per cent
per annum from zlie date of registration until called for
or paid in full, interest payable annually on trie first aay of
January of eq.cA year, payaole five years from date and redeemable
at any time tnere are funds 'ro the credit of.L D
such �IMP-rO'VeL'0 t
District Fund nvailable tne_refor; Tut-10 interest Coupons attached
to such vvarran$s to bear the 4ac-simile si�:;Tiature Of the lvlayor
and Clerk.
3 -E ION 17 . That oil tiie 1st day of July, 192,�, at tzle
,CT r
Council Chambers in the City 'Hall Of the City Of Kalispell, Mont-
ana, at Y:30 o'clook P. a revular ineetin'-, the "ity Council
will hear and. pass upon all protests treat may be made, a,,-�Iainst
tree laaking of such improvleiuenus or the creation of suci3. district.
3,GTION B. The City Clerk is hereoy autliQrized and
directed to ive the proper notice of the passa-e of this reso-
lution by puolication and ,nailinE as required cry lave, such pub-
lication to ce made in tile Kalispell Tintes, a weekly newspaper
puilisned in tae City of ic-alispell.
Passed tiiis 3rd day of June, 1929.
,pproved 11-riis 31rd day o--' June, 1929.
J. P. Brucknauser, Mayor.
fittest, C. E0. 'Tr,ekell, City Clerk.
State of Montana,
County of Flatiload,
City of Kalispell, 33
1. C. Trekell, Clerk of tae Jic,y wi, k,alispeli,
L"lontana, do ij,ereby ce_tify tiaut the is a full, true
alld e-_KUCt CQP'T of C, TSolution -Qass, ld oy the City Council of
tfio City of Kalispell, June 3rd, ana approved
by 0-tie Mayor of said city o4' tae smae date.