Resolution 1205 - Resolution of Intent - Extend Lighting District 9M
DISTRICT 1\,10. ;.
31ilIT 9Y T711KCI
TY 00T31',G!L 01' T-!-,, C T TY OF KALTSP_ 11:
SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the City
Council ol, the City of Kalispell to e:,Mend 6peoial Improvement
Lightin,-., District No. 0 ror the purpose of iighGin,? 'v1oodland
jivenue at its intersections with Third, Fourta, Fifth and
Sixth Streets.
SECTION 2. That the territory included in said ax-
tension includes all property borderinE on Woodland Avenue,
from the north side of Lot 4, Block 193 to the south line of
Lot 3, Block 200, on either side of the avenue.
SECTION 3. That the approximate cost of maintaining
the lights in the proposed extension of the district, and sup-
plying electrical current therefore for the first year is the
sum oi ,31'/0.40. Three-i'ourtns of the, cost shall be assessed
a0ainst the property embraced within the district, and one-
fourth paid from the General Fund of the City.
57CTTON 4. That on uae bth ,,,,ay or August, 1929 at
the Council Chamber of the City Hall in the City of Kalispell
at 7:30 o'clock P. 1�%, a roFular the City Council
will hear and pa3s upon all protests that Gray be made against
the making of such improvements or the extension oi' .,,aid dis-
SECTION 5. The City Clerk is hereoy autiiorized and
direc;tea to -,,ive proper notice or the passage of this resolu-
tion by publication and mailing, as regulated by law. Such
publication "to oe made in the Kalispell Times, a weokly nevis-
paper, pu-',jlished in the City of Kalispell.
Passed this 1st day of July,
Approved this lsr� aay of 4uly, 1.929.
J. P. 3rucknauser, TA'ayor.
Attest, C. E. Trekell, City Clerk.
State of Montana,
County or Flathead,
City of Kalispell, ISS
I. C. 3. Trekoll, Clerk or the City of Kalispell,
I;Tontana, clo !iereby certify that the foregoing is a full, -true
and e-'.act copy oia resolution pas3c,,d by the City ,"louncil of
t'ie City or Kalispell, Montana, July lst, 1929, and approved
by the 1,Tayor of said city or t'ne same oate.