Resolution 1207 - Tax LevyA making the annual tax levy for the City of Kalispell, I,Ion.-uana for the year, 1�J20. -1y �'i'H` CTTY Cl�',Ujd(,'JT� 91 1 � -V — -T-111�30LT-112 -1 OF THE CITY OF IL,,1131'E,11: 5.'.`ICTION I . That -there is hereby levied on eacn and every dollar of the assessed valuation of the City of Malis-pall, Montana, for the year 'the i'ollowinL� arLounts: General, administrative anal municipal General Fund a. C) 0,/ 5 Street Fund .0075 Park Fund .002 Library Fund . (A)18 Band Fund .0005 Water 9on.ds L"Iefanded .0034 Funding '3ond 3inkin,,- YPund .002 Funding Bond. Interest u014 V,Tater 3ond interest (",?;),bOU.00 ls,;ue) U009: ,iviation Par1 L'raintenance Fund .001, . (52—'?b 1y1a1U.-n- a total levy J'or all P-111rPQfes T'jelitioned above of tvrenty-seven ive tentns (21/.b) mills. Adopted this 5-Gii day of Au,gust, iq,2,�. Approved this btA day of lw,--ust, 1�329. J. P. Brucknauser, Llayor. Attest, C. S. Trekell, City Cleric. State of Montana County of Flatflead City Of' Kalispell S3 1, C. I% Trekell, 'Clerk of l-,h.e City of Kalispell, Hontana, do hereby ce.ctify that Gee fol-e1�31oim: i,5 a -full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed oy the 'jity Council of tale "'ity of 1',r"llispell, X"lontana, Au.r-ust om, and approved oy the 1dayor of said city of the sale date, ty Glerk.