Resolution 1145 - Assessment - Sidewalks & CurbsOaU Tti0. 1.145 A RESOLUTION, levying a tax upon all the property in Special Sidewalk and Curb 1227-28 of the City of Kalispell, Montana, for the purpose of defraying the cost and expenses of Improvements made and constructed in said District in accordance with resolutions and ordinances of the City of Kalispell, lvlontana. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF KALISPELL: SECTION 1. There is hereby levied and assessed to uefray the cost of expenses and improvements made and constructed in Special 3idewalk & Curb 1927-28 of the City of Kalispell, 1,41ontana, in accordance with the resolutions and ordinances of the said City, a tax against all property included in the District; the amount to be charged against each lot or parcel of land thereof being set opposite the description of the property and the name of the owner, as follows, to -wit: Total: Annu�;l Ass'! t OWRER LOT BLOCK Ass1t: After 1st Yr. William Lollar 22 106 10 38 3 07 tv 23 15 39 3 08 It 24 37 88 17 57 Kalispell Townsite Co.) Helen Stevens) 19 15 54 3 11 Helen Stevens 20 lb 54 3 11 ff 21 15 54 3 11 Anton Moen 13 30 09 7 61 it 14 15 65 3 13 ti 15 lb 55 3 13 ti 16 15 64 3 12 City of Kalispell 13-24 115 232 53 46 50 Freeman V'1. 3 114 lb 65 3 17 11 4 15 86 3 18 Albert Howe 5 15 92 3 19 11 6 lb 92 3 19 tl 7 1.5 93 3 18 11aud 2. Stevens a 15 96 3 20 9 lb 96 3 20 Gerard Caliari 10 16 28 3 25 11 16 28 3 25 12 3s 56 7 21 Catherine Ingram 13 107 53 38 10 67 it 14 31 02 6 39 Elliot S ' 1 ' orneby 15 31 61 6 33 Kitty Smithers 17 31 50 6 30 is 52 75 10 55 E. Lepley 1 108 31 50 0 30 2 53 28 10 65 Sadie LcElroy 3 31 bO 6 30 ti 4 31 50 6 30 C. F. Sij.nmonds 5 31 50 6 30 Harriet 'J. Sherman 6 49 69 0 93 I&,, lv% Prindle 13 94 52 75 10 55 it 14 31 62 6 37 Ella 14. Mci�llister 15 31 50 6 30 11 16 31 50 6 30 Montana & Idaho Inv. Co. 17 31 bO a 30 if 18 52 75 10 55 537 OIUIsElz LOT 311OCK Ass, t if t e r 13t yl?. ,L-m i e Y. ',T-iller 1 Id 3 :5 7 12 3 il, 47 ? 7 2 5 1 29 0 25 ti 3 31 18 0 23 Theo Torbinson 4 31 29 6 25 2 of 5 1 b 64 3 12 SonSt Josephine elie of 5 15 74 1 15 rt 6 b2 86 10 58 Richard, r3est 13 �3 7 52 65 10 53 I 11baft DreenE 14 31 V 6 40 f? 15 31 07 6 40 Janet E. 1,tiller 16 32 A 6 "-[3 First National iyank 17 31 92 6 39 if 18 i)3 17 10 64 Evan 7. Day 1 88 35 51 1/ 19 11 2 31 bO 6 30 11 3 1151 5O 6 30 .Ldol-ohus Tetra-,lt 4 26 51 5 11 Sarah 1. lne­rrp_�.111 5 30 q7 6 �20 5 45 4 (d 9 C) ,7. 3. 'Halm 13 74 31 71 6 �­� 5 Charlotte Jones 14 31 71 6 35 .ja Sohn 'T rjilton 15 31 71 6 35 Peter Peterson 16 31 71 C) 35 "berhard 11arholdt 1? 31 71 6 35 Kalispell. ' van,,_-elistic Ass'n. 10, 31 71 6 35 Eugene 1,1cCarthy 1 73 66 17 13 24 Peter Peterson 2 51 2.19 6 25 4. Johnson 3 31 71 6 35 0. 3jorneby 4 31 81 C) 37 IH-iodesitt b 31 1/1 6 35 OR -ens-: 'ard 6 53 17 10 64 Flat'aoad County 12 218 53 29 10 6 b E<'iUjty _3U_'P1IT Co. 11 29 130 5 -DO J. nex 10 30 0 0 05 0 30 0 6 05 'Llary L"cCabe 1:1> 30 77 6 16 Thomas McCabe 7 53 14 10 62 J. G-kelberry 6 Zi 0 16 75 3 75 Tor"I Perry 3 31 2g 6 25 IT 4 33 01 61 _Nd i t h tors 2 31/ 1/4 7 54 3umett 1 0,31 33 17 66 3cott 8 53 31 39 6 27 Tali spell hero . Id 30 92 "02 C) 19 11 10 30 11) 19 J . 11 31 --', 0 6 30 F. Bucksen 12 50 67 10 14 IT 1 52 50 70 10 15 Coo 1-4oper 2 31 31 6 37 3 31 71 6 35 4 ,31 1/1 6 35 U. .1. 3rinlcr.Lan 11 68 14 bQ lri 90 IT 12 122 -35 4 - 9 T'red Hug 10 31 30 6 30 Arain Realty 3o. Cl�. faits 9 151 50 6 30 Lllary .1. Preston F3 31 '71 6 35 !-Lac . , � A. '7rit2 7 2 75 10 0­ b Martin j. Hawley 1 69 52 711-3 10 55 C"lara .1. Plulae 2 31 11 35 Josep`L .,. 11,'Io3'� I Iroy 3 5,`3 02 6 111. 1. o-:nli_iq 4 32 U2 6 41 0. b 31 1/1 6 35 School District !A'o. b 1_6 112 2 3 4- 34 46 86 Eri-le i% '30,0t-t 7 73 b 2 96 10 60 Iverson ;3" 34 6 46 - ' ,,:,,,e 7.1 34 6 46 P, to, llet 0 r so 10 2 61 6 53 of 2.1 13 32 3 27 2�xma L. 3arker f 11 16 31 3 27 11 12 51 110 10 38 __,,.-thur I3. "ercer 1 52 75 10 bb laaroaret Thompson 2 32 02 6 41 King 3 32 02 G 41 Ross G. Young 4 31 bO 6 30 Geo, C. Jenson 5 31 71 6 35 lAabert 3. _&iticen 6 52 36 10 Total . 'U-iYJ'ual Is;I t LOT ',LOCK Ass' t: After Ist Yr. Tinelia c rant 7 38 b3 b6 io-7 11 Jo'j'�.n Tlayrock 8 32 86 6 b8 Clara A. 13oberts 9 32 34 6 116 _irs. Gwi-ne aloe 10 32 1� 5 6 -I �) Ella E. Proud 1. 92 53 17 10 64 J. 2�. 3er,­ren 2 32 34 6 46 Sophie K. Ho,�-,ue 3 32 55 6 bl Jacobia, Johnson 4 32 86 6 58 Frank 0. liWillia.ms b 31 71 6 35 5 H. C. Newc.,_„do_c�,p 6 d- 3 64 9 r/ 2 J. I'.. �Idetcalf 7 93 53 28 10 65 Fred 1-1. Jones 3 31 71 6 35 .,lio J. Schnell 9 31 71 635 Diartha X. Lee 10 31 71 6 155 Harry G. Hiller 11 31 ?l 6 35'1 12 52 96 10 00 Hi Sohool i�thletic, 71d.?-12 92 218 44 4--3 E58 I ` P. Sanford 1 do 51 63 10 132 A o 2 13 0 1f 3 03 .1ugust FehlberE of 2 15 19 3 03 3 30 36 6 07 I,Jarearet A. ILIountjoy4 31 39 6 27 Leslie Vinal 5 31 19 6 23 tv 6 46 74 3 74 Er'Urva J. Young 9 69 32 34 6 46 Jennie 1.11". Davison 10 32 34 6 46 ti 11 32 34 6 46 * -L.'ward 12 54 12 10 83 School District 1"'0. b 7-12 72 238 916 7 SO "'da _'I. stivers 2 41 b3 73 30 Vv'ebster 3 32 34 6 40 4 32 34 6 46 Frederick _Timm-n b 39 21 7 E-3 5 10 76 1 70 33 60 10 76 I;Iary A. 3vianey 2 32 86 6 .56 Frederick Ferguson 3 3" 34 6 46 Fort-la"'I 4 321 86 6 bs Fred S. 3,,io1c 5 32 34 3 46 Chas. '. Hetzer 6 b3 80 10 116 Frederick Ferguson 7 69 53 28 10 65 clalter Burr 8 32 U2 6 4.1 Tai,-Les Conlon 9 32 02 6 41 Ella Blades 321 of 10 2, 52 4 11 Lucy C.'.,ope 13, of 10,11 23 21 4. 65 Chester Vla 1 32, of 11 20 62 4 11 Lena E. Kramer 12 1311 22 27 45 f L Thierwetcher 7 52 11-17 r/ I '� 1� 5 5 rr 9- 3.�Ii:vrock 8 70 05 14 GI Julia C. Slater 9 31 87 6 38 TI 10 31 87 6 36 Ole hordeen 11 31 ar/ 6 ''z Frank F. Nolan 12 of bl 10 31 Dora Leary ShuA-,-hart 1 51 61 41 10 29 C. !;. 3rin)man 2 32 M 6 56 HeIL�a P. Christenson 3 32 03 6 40 ',;. E. Beaman 4 32 86 6 58 V. P. Peterson 5 32 76 6 '_�6 Zzlolia __irinknan 6 54 22 10 € b Kalispoll I'Aaltin,�r &, Bre-.vii.v- 2 1 22 83 4 5 6 32 34 6 46 LinkUahr 4 31 29 6 25 ',;�Ialter Ja,-,uette 5 312, 6 F 15 Dorothy J. Hod,, -son CD 63 30 10 66 1,11ary ',',TCCabe 12 31 6113 3 05 1113 61 3e110 Probert 1.1 of 11 16 C 7 3 22 Mary MicCa_�: 'je 1 2' of 11 13 07 3 22 Gustave 3ishoff Jr. 10 32 55 b 51 Josie Karr 9 32 03 6 40 Gay 8 32 a6 6 58 Alliar.,i ,. Studt 7 b3 49 10 G`'s E. 1. Gay l 160 &1 33 10 86 1. C. Alexander 2 31 50 6 30 E.. iR. Gay 3 31 50 6 30 19 Total: lainual '_sslt 01;',,TTER 31,OCK AssIt: :liter lsi. Yr. ---LOT Val jean Idle,4 1.11,50 32 02 6 di Lee Kerr 5 31 50 6 30 EnFebrett Nelson 6 69 61 13 93 11ary C. Brandenburg 1 167 25 10 015 Mary A. Gay 2 31 07 6 40 is 3 31 07 6 40 Edward Ii. Cay 4 31 95 6 39 81 9 1/7 20 10 04 Andy hordtome 7 51 63 07 10 132 .1 E. '-' ". E. ov(. rdell 3 31 50 6 30 1Iwlla Scott 9 31 31 6 37 Hrulda Ode,,.,,ard 10 32 214 C) 44 Nlaud Honnald 11 52 , 24 6 44 1Vorwe­ian E. E' . (..hurah 12 51 IZO 10 26 Lizzie Hogle 1 168 46 61 9 33 Henry Madsen 2 31 82 6 37 L. 7. Donaldson 3 35 66 7 17 In,7a Oillbertson 4 31 82 6 37 Lutheran6 Prustees L. >.. Lutheran Church 5 31 81 6 31 11 4b 62 9 33 Elizabeth J. Coclet 7 70 46 04 9 38 Julia K. coclet a 31 61 6 37 Frank Cochran 11 32 13 C) 42 tT 12 53 49 10 ­; 9 "let to G. Benz 1 176 46 72 D 35 Carrie ". Cstrem. 3 24 74 1 94 Ceo. Loyvell Int) Nellie FcX Int) 5 30 66 0 13 C,co. EP. Lowell Int) Nellie Fox Int) 6 4z> 42 0 09 Chris'lian Prestbye 12 71 46 94 9 38 Olive LanEdoc 11 32 23 6 44 ,Lnna "i. Janicke 9 89 67 17 D 4 10 39 67 17 04 illarie Idacinnis 7 31 92 6 39 a 4 �D 79 9 95 3. J. Hillberg 1 1717 bl 22 10 25 2 27 40 6 48 3 29 69 6 00 Jolin tl. 1doore, Falls 4 30 08 6 01 11 5 30 06 115 01 Christian Te,,,noson 6 bl 39 10 27 Howard Hinman 17 00 80 21 16 05 John U. Donehew 0 29 72 5 90 DIary Hess 10 2J 30 b 86 ff 11 20 29 Q; IS 5 IdarCaret E'. Kline 12 52 44 10 43 Flathead County 1 186 45 15 q 03 T? 2 30 B7 6 is Sarah Leblieuiz 3 29 82 15 97 tt 4 33 46 6 70 John III. Foy 5 30 45 6 09 John 1. Foy 6 :,1 33 8 96 Helen ITfi. Berry 5,8 3a 32 P, 3 6 44 SECTIOK 2. The said taxes to be paid in five annual installments which shall become due and -payable upon the filin- of a certified cipy of this resolution in the office of the County Treasurer of the said, county and shall become delinquent after the 3,th day of 1voveLalber, 1927, and the annual- installments shall thereafter become due and payable on the first day of October of eE,,,ch year and delinquent on the `30th day of 'November of each year. gill of the above payments bear interest at the rate 0-11 �3iX U per Cent per annuan. Introduced thin; -'.3th -lay o'- Se,tayaber, 1cJ2Fs, n6 sot fol' hearin,~ October 3rd, at '(":30 Pauline, IJiayor. Yatest, 0. E. TreRell, amity Cle 'k. hdoptr-,a this 3-ra day of QvtobeT, 1-,,12B. Approved this d,,a.)r of Pauline, !'ayor. "I Attest, C.". Trelcell, City ("'lerk. State of ;,Iontana County of Flathead City of D"lispol-I SS. 1, C. Trckeli, Clerk of the City of Kalispell., Liontana, do here',-jy certify that the foreE,;oing is a ful.j., true and exact copy of a resolution passed by the council and approved by the Mayor on the 3rd day of Oct. 1.)27 .