Resolution 1135 - Establishes Sprinkling District 2AWX HESOLUTIOIT 1,10. 1135. - - - - - - - - - - - - - A RE SOLUTION, creatino and establistang a Sprinklixig District j.0 the City of Kalispell, -,ntana,ln addition to oprink- ling district.3 c-euted by Ltesolutiorl 1�0. 1133. `yf IkML C"ITY "OT1W,11, 31'CTI01, , 1 1.That me hereby create Jistrivt A0. 2k iri addition to the disoicts cre,--,-ted by i,ei3olution No. 1133 of the City of' Kalsipell, lv:ontuna,to—vit; 3MINKLING DISTRICT XO, 2A. Be��inhiE; at a point which is toe soutli west corner of lot 2,block 132,thence south to the oout,.l Piest corner of lot 10,Dlock 132,thence east to the west line of ,,min u;treet,ther�oe south to the souti,i east corner of lot 2, block 143,tiience west to the alley, taerice scut,,' to the "Orth west corner of lot 11,0ock 143,thence ea,t -co Main .1-Areet, thence south to the eout-la east corner of lot l,block 216, tiieride ,Pest to Voint on the south boundry line of the City po.lnt Is It"10- of a line antonded rrom the conterline o" the filley in bloc:K, j,4,., -:,1tIn th,= ,-K� South banndry line it the City thenca north AM the 00000M ON' % 010- of bloAo 143 and block 11 Fisher AaMM to m Poch anst Pmrmr of lot 1, blo2% 16 Faber sasition, thoscs west ty if,, )�> Addition thenco Barth to the south on2t aorner of lot 7, block 7 Mj School WE therms mat to tha 010Y of Wzy 5 M'h ,J,11� them, -:a "Orth to the south east corner of lit 12, Moak 6 7Qh M001 WK n0scs WWL " tH Wf't W 140 of Wth, AVO. mat Men= =Lh the north neat corner of lot 7 block 152, thmma east to the ON, Mum wnrQ to the uouth line of 5th Street 7ust thunus assi to the rmth nost o-r.;r of block 100 thenca, aorth to the north mat oomor o.," lot 7 lblo173 G ce ,,orth t,', the north wnst corner of lot 0, black M, thence eant to tho al a, of blook 157, theroo narth to the mth 10 of block 157 thence east to the May in blook 159, thonou womM to the mrtE line of lot 7, Yank 159 Rome nest to tho --rth Tart mornar of lot 7, block 171, Konny math t- qprth 7ort norror nF block 151 M"nao v0st to the 1-110; K 110wo 162, bhorea SoAty 0, My: M :ad im A 00 mrth line 0"' W 7 blcqk 155, MAIO �qst tn no 774h -�A eomar of 10 � 0102""C 105 00730 zmtv Ann: tho 1=t silo a" WE, Na. nest to Va SPUM 11ne' of IDt 12, 003hil"G, 00005 ;ant t! the alley, thenCe m2a%h to 1he north, Vne K lot 7, bloaX 170 t4n:tan Tost R the !am line 7f Sth, &va, west thence unth to Me neth Wo of lot 7 block 211, Mona west tj tt? , anoth vast worap of W 7, 1cow 133 thence spath t, tva s7vtp linq IN 12, block ITD. thunce oust to M a2lay in block 110, thenae mm% to the wouth lKe of 4jock E yjzher naniti1n, tyun,t t- t4a 11, of block 1, 70ha r Add. ha .a, mnt! rl=3 ths alluy the n-athooat, or: of lot 12, 112ch bo-Mn> 77'7'o"r.l] o:,-- lioa inaol7orwal Unns -? thn MY of mAl, TWt. 25�tai Ms WN: Q, no Y, 1927 W"vs! t`3 IM Q C? T�V, 1927, A PnMne, 7�ynr. 3�20 of lounty of MOW! MY nf ITAINjull TrMll, WrIs or the QI%- oc 1�1: �m, 70"Wy, so h3raby calti 0 Onn, US por:OP: R. 0 2111, tVI3 WQ by the 3noQ111 %Q a�Krov�, u! tQ Wor on 21. UM any 0: 2,1 1-7 SKY TI.tV