Resolution 1134 - SID 2340 jtZ301,UTIO'x NO. 1134 A Lb,'330LUTION CILEAT"FlIG -DI ,31';iIUT No234. 3E' IT `1,.,�S0LW,,D BY 'NHE CITY COU110EL �01� T'l_' C.T"y 01�� KLLj,,3p�,,Lj_ SECTION 1. '.,L'hut Special Ilrj[proveinellt ,234 is hereby created for t,cie purpoge of the conQtructiojj Of a sallitury 5ewel,vvitll rn: n nd oticr ails; c iley, OT 0 nt. point Which is the inten-ectiorl of th(,cefiterlille of !,Jont<,,na St. and the centerline Of tac 3rd -'A-IeY west of to do "As,eet,north of olock 26,thence south thru, block 28 to the south propel,ty line of the olook, j-!1CTT0h, 2. That auch ,fistrict is 01'euta3d 2,ubject to all of the terme and conditions opecified in .,,esolution HE i�o- 1132,entitled, " iesoiution of intention to create si)eci,,jl Improvement Jistrict i�o. 2J411udopted by the City C3oundii iaay 2nd, which refei°eyjce is hereby made for furt-aer partic- Ulats Pawed jjl�.y 9ta, 1927 Approved bi.zq gth, 1927 Attest, C. 'i,— Trekell, City Glerk. State of Montana ( (ounty of J--iatiiead) ss� city of &"IiS!)elI T Trekell, 1 k of ti-le City of .kS.ulizqpeli, iiontana, (10 ilclreby certify ti-iat the forgoing, is a full, true and exact copy o! � reoolution pusood by ti-le cc)ujjcj.jj and aq)proved by the ia�Lyor on the gt.,i, 4�'�y cf, 1927 pity Ulerk.