Resolution 1131 - Transfers Funds1MOLUTIOEr 11U
A lUI301XTION transfering ceit�.in Fund s in t�ac .'ity Tre�.d,aury.
50 IT 1130IMM 3Y TH-,11, CITY COU1,1CIL OF T1,11] CITY 01 K4,13L-P,_lLL,
1. That the follovi—g amount be tr"ilsfevocj
to the —Street lund irom, t"Lle following fund;
maintenunce L., uity`fieus:
SECTION 2. That the Woovo txanefei-, io made for tiie purpose
of closing the Sprinkling lund 4nd to j)ay oiat: tL4i-,cjjrjg,
in ti-ie �Aiueek, lund.
this 21st jy at 1,.,oru"I,y, Jq.-1/
.,',i,)jaroved thia 21 day of leb. 192'/
aleik. War.
otorte of
C Ount, callutnead )3S
ity 01,
Trekell, '�;Ie!'k of thu City of
ZaJAPOLI, do Areby certify that the fore,ing id a :0031
true and �,,x�:ot copy of , resolution p��e*ed oy the City Council
and :�.,pproved by the hluyos- on the 21st day oi
City ulcrlc.