Resolution 1130 - Transfers Fundsti:uIlSie.L co.L tui.,a iunds in t"Ae ,ity Ti-Qk,LUury, CITY 0K' 1, � IPi� L.T,, _E IT TiE' CITY' COU—CIL THE' 11 , That the followine, sums be t:vu.isfo.Led j rom the following funds to trLe Ovorpayment i�und, pecial. 111l'o, overlie n 44 district 1,0. 110 A 139 6 v,2' 145 16.2 151 18-30 156 20.02 I `;� 17 62 102 1 62 196. 39.69 S OT D" E 1JZ 2 That the f u 11 ow i nZ amount be t x, ��-ns f L, x,e d fj�oo the Uverpuyraellt adjustwent jund to the followix,.,gr fuad. 5ever Bond Sinking lund ------------ 20000 Pas,,�es tiie 21st day of leb. 1927 Avproved the 21 (Llly of ielb. ig-,'/ U. -"D. T:Z-okell, �"ity lwa 11. Pauline.i.ayw'. AzAe of :Oaturl" UOlwtj of flathead ) 1, C. 'E.Tx� e'kell. 'le:L,k ol. the Uity of K"Iiepell ao kei�eby aei,tJLfy that the foi,e -goi:i=g i.s a lull, tr�,Ae und exact copy of a ieMolution adopted by tsie Council, ani uppi,oveu by the ivayox on tlna 21st day of leb. 192'1. C i tYJ I-er k.