Resolution 1128 - Assessments - Various Oil Sprinkling Districts--LAa2001 T, U T DO IN_ T,Ro,. _11 1218 _ A the, cost of the stre to- uind uvenue;z� in Oil Sprirl'lklill",x -Jiotricts -'Q. 5tol , /1619, �24,25,26 end 00 of t.'tje City 0-1 L"Ont- for tale Yes,I' 192 "'Idl vYizz c:,nd aOseOsing all tale vitnin the o,.Lid districts with the coot of oiling, the streets and "venl-leu within said diotricts, TEE IT "ASOINT) BY THn CITY 01' , CITY COWNCTL- SECTIOA 1. The cost of oiling the Otrects Laid avenum in oil sprinkling dietricts ay,UK19 aU,21,22,23,24,25, �rt,aa((s4�n'�e�<}x��j�«:���m{" 00 ul tile "ity of lu�liopell ntnna,lg,)6 iS estiMut('d to '0 2. ,, tax is nereby levied c,,,,nd asse�,ed u,,,)oci all the Proxmty in ouid sprinkling j�., dist,,ictq f o:j, tile uploulit of tile estirauted cost of ciLa.,a tle 10t-VeeLS —nd aveilles tle.1 c , in"Jeing I 1 upportioned to the oevetul tots (ii, of 1t tl�A ;,jt.,ljn It �* � the dists,ict, as iollows, i�efiei,ence is heeby made to tae original x,esol- ution Jo. 1120 wiiioh is on file in the o14ice of the City Clerk for the list of the property owners in -,�,id dL-_ztricct_- to which the costs ure ao, ess_d) The. tax,xiereby levied, becameo delinquent G,t six oIcIock±-.h,. ,iov. 30, 1)20. :section 4. r,eferencc iz hereby made to the ­,(­_ool- Ution to G,reute Oiling Jistricts 1 to 26 inclusive :end Dist. -0. 00, lox further p6a.ticul"I,S. lnti,oduced this 2'lth day, of OctooeL, 4zid oet f6r i,ie:�xin� _,ov. 4t.i, 1926 "t '/:3u o1alock. P.L_ ilauline, I'Layor C. ,i;. T-ekell, City Ulerk. hov. 4, 1926 14ov. 4, 1926 a,tte,st, Trekell, City iAate of Lont_is Gounty oi' Ilathe�.d ) SS Uity of Kalis-pell k I, C. 1�.Trckell, Clrk of the City of ,�alispell, ::()ntana, do nereby certify that the forgoing io a true, f'ull aired exact copy of a reeolution pdopted by the City Jouncil and approved by the Iikiyor, vov. 4th, 1,)26. City Clerk,