Resolution 1125 - Assessments - Special Lighting Districts4" 39
-30Dt ,,il-, -TTI011 1125.
ostimatiaz the coo-toi li,,iiting jj)eciuj
districts wimbered 1, 2, 4, Jr 6, 10, 12, 13, 14,
16, 20, 23, 2" 2d, 2% gO, 31, 32, 33, "4 36, 37.
30 & 39 01 tae Oity of K"Iiepell for the year iq2bLnd Ievyin,�
uad a see iri all propel,ty vvit-aln ta(; said uistzicto witfk trie
COOL 01 t-ae , of tray
A IT L0�01,W1,D 3Y TA!,,CITY CO).TICIL Or '171R; 01'
3ECTIUM 1. Thc e ost of li§Aing Idpit )ietricts 1, 2,
4, 5, 6, '/, u, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, q, 16,2" 21 27, 20, 29, 30
3" M 33, 34, 15, 36, 3" 30 39 01 tkI0 7itY of ii0.lisl)ell
for the year 192o, is estiwAed to
SECTION 2. -,'i tu:� is fievelby levied L.nd wsensed on all t-ie
prope,3:ty in, tne, 9,a,id likat districts f'or the wuoulat Of tue
estimated cost of lighting the kAreots ,ierein by
to tree sevual loto L4.ud parcels of land withiji tae said diot-
iollowo, towit;
hefei-ence A hereby ,,Iuae to the ori-,! ,inal acsolutioa
1125 Thieb, is on iile, in tao- office of tlle City (31erk
f or -v Iist of' t1le ",--,ez-;?Mentu Made t6 tile V�M,I,ious lots)
.:�;c 71C,"T1 3. fue to hereby levied becoirea delinquent ,,,t 6 o'clock
-.j- on tUe 30tii duy of .,T4overi,)er, 1926.
3ection 4. befewence is herebp mude to ;--olution of intention
to cvei,te Li�Sntinit cT1GtS a,,o. 1, 2,4,
15a6,M,212y,20,09,30,31,32,33,34,3,',;,3l,3V,30,4 39 for
iurtller Purticulurs.
Introduced Uctoyti 1926 gnauet for hounin..,,
nov. 4Uq 1X6.
2zLuiiae, fuyor.
Attezt, "ity
Adopted this ue 4t:i day of -L�ov. 11)26
'Aiqxrovej t,,Iis the 4t;i du�,of ,v. 1926
, of Yiontana t
(:ourity of I'latheud 33
City og
I, C. Trekell, clerk of tile C'ity of
i,,.alispell, ',luntana, do hereby certify tntt t1w ior,.�Oin:, is L,
full, true and exact copy of 4a. xeoohatioa u-dopt<-d by the {jity
".;ouncil of tae City of 1�aliapell on .�qov, 4,Ll, and �ov,,d
by t,ie i—,.yor on Lae same day.
1 t C