Resolution 1133 - Establishes Sprinkling Districts 1-4rJESO-LUT1Cola I'M. 1133 A ONATING AND ASTA MraRWr 3Fr,13,11d,T0z IN 72Hr,, 7ITY 0" "1 0 IT AMOLIGG ) 3Y TIM CRY Solit,CIL Cll �'I7Y 'K,'Li 3YELL, = TINA . 1. nut ly lin"; uL�tvict- P ThlCT W 1. T(� j_c,�Juj� t,,�ja�t port!M,� Cif' the city Which is Withill tow fallowhiv deocribed Soundr-', ME line; 3e 67 ! ni ti, ,.i, t o i i i t iv :ti :i c h 19 t !i e in t c :�. s e C t i 0 :a 0 f t jjti�, centei,line of i:3-tl'eutusld the ue--'t tar open ty lir'e of tac., nloc'ec 36 taenoe euot alont3,ae centei,line of -,ail-ro—d patl,eet to the centerline at Woodland Avenue _ti-ience southerly aWalcra tkie centorli"e of """-oodlund avenue to t"Ie intorsectiold of .aid Centerline with U line parallel uitiL cLyld �01 South of the so'uth line, of 6t-a jtruet soot thence 'weat tae 3,uid, last de s , cribed 1hae totae �411ey of eloulk 202 t.uence south uloill; the ountt'j_-'Iine of Said alley to tile soixth line of block 208,thence vent to the soutil east corkle,c� of bloci 13'/,tftenc(,' south tim south bmmdrj line of lot I,block 138, Z—Iol-100 --eot to (;he allej A oaid block 138 tAence soutik to the oouta ia'a,)erty line of amid block 136 thence meet to the southe,,.st cornea of block 139,tnence to the souta bowniry line of lob I,bloc k 212 t.aence alond the uuld line to -tao, alley of clock 22.4,thence soth to ti-w ';,',outla boividry lino of s,Ad block,ttience ivest tc�;he c-,lley of olack 215,luence aoutn to the south line of lot 12, block 21), therice to to eust Me Of. Lain )t., ee- t , tne.nce Ltlon,-, too ea: t line Of ldaih street to the norta line 6f' lot 1''OIOCIIC 142,Uence MU to the souta line of lat 23,ulock 142,tnencu most tothe euut line ul win north to the noiAn liac ul lot, 14, lock 133,taez'Ce E,,-6t to thc, ulle,i ol' uiop'k 133 tnence, no. -La to tsar-, south luau :xi lot 23,0'LOC"K '133 V,-e8t to the pait line of 111n Areet,thena�7 north to the norta, I ille of lot 14,tali ock 125,tnencE east zo t,xic -:Lley urj,,-I 2jo-, tI tQ t,-Ie south line A lot 2j olocir 105,own" to the east line of will street,tnence to Me xwrth line <-A lot 141-,,)1ockqO,thence eant Lo the alley '-ind rwrth to the soath line of lot 23,01ock 96, thence woet to tav ewe t Lille Qi -,.Uin S)t.veet' tuence Y-.Iort'a to tae xiort:i line of lot 14,block 65,t.,ience o.-,ot to tih! atlley �"'Yld nortA to UM UOUth UrLe Of lot 23-01ock o,thencc wcot totne eust line of .,in Arcot taence nor''L— to the "rta If= of lot 14,block Vb,taence e.st io the ulle,Lnu iiartn T,-:Y c-,ae soitth ltzie 0i lot 23,01ock 76,thenoe vest totne east line of StreetAnence to the xwrki line of lot 65,taence (o'St to tn.�:, uiley ol Mel 64,thexwe IWOU V thU ;;MUM liM of lot 1/,1)-Lock 37,-b-�ience west Lo tau east liiie of 3ti,eet and thence, no-rtla tLo the pluc,� of be,�ininy 447 17?" MISKITNI M3T,,.IC7_ _'o_2. To inol,,vae, t1la-6 tjWj mn the city "niam is vfitiaari t-ie foliovvin,-, d�juribed bouildry line, to -wit; beginin,; at v point whIvA A trw inter- section of the; centerline 01 _1tteet with the west jim, of ,coin 'its eet,thence vejt lori,, tue cerit€=rlirlel of �roaj Stl'eet,to LRU AlOy 01 U10014 "'Outii W ta� nortil line of lot 7,u"ok 159,thence a t to t,IQ, llort:I, 4,est ()j lot J,block 158,Uwace :outs to Me joarta rest cornex W lot clock 161,trunce Yost to the ANY of blocl 162,thence ocubi :_tIouS the alley in Olock qnd 10,5 to tat vurtO lim of lot 17,alook 163,1_tenco vvest to '6cie nortn west corner )f' lot ?,bion 165,t.acxice ooutn alolu�, tae ct -, uo side of Mquvwue west to thv! soubi line of Icit 12wAock 1JU thence e"at to the alley,tuence µcxaataa to t.ac, aorta line, ot lotlo,L '/,block 1VU,tnenow xost to the q"Ot Jim, of bt. .xe. j t"eace oautn to the rvorki line, nf lot '/,1 Ioc2:,Ib4, tiaence v, seat to tne northwest curnur of lot 'AtAnck 163,41mme aout-rl to We zouel _Line ol, lot 12,,olock s�:,,zt to 1,.�,e in olock 110,t,?ienoe, jout..,i to the oout.'n line < dock ! ,,risner e e,b,st to the ,�.Lley oi block 6 _T.ioheI Ad. then 0 SOIA-a a,Ionz tne aIlle­y to tne ooutav;t,=.-t corne,,:, of' lot 12, oioc,ti 16 IiBner Add.,tjuenoe eaot to _ain �treet,tnence north, to t,"ie nortii cast corrier of lot 11,block 126,tliencc ."Cst '0 the alley,tnence 4orth to tree souta '_irie of lot 2,olock iU6 theucc,, eaA to the weat Line C)i ujrj to the north line of lot 95,tnence vest to tj,,Le and rwrW to the "uth lim of lot 2,blocic 9,t�ience e�,st to tne veot line of imin Areet,taence norta tothe nort--,i liyl(,, (?I 1011,01ack 06, Laence west to tac alley ;,oid iiortri to Un(,, aout? 0 re a line of lot 2,blaok,66,tziuno,�,, e—st -to w st Brie o j.. imitn tm the naMi 1hre of lot 11, olcK '15,thence west to tune alley und norta to the souta 1jyjC,, oi -Lot 2,bloc,k '/,,�,thence to the aye st lim, of [,aajn north to the norW line of lot 11,block vve,-,L to tjae alley wid nortb to the south line of lot 2,Dlock 35,thc'nce eas! to t1ae west line of !,:LLin nort,,,I. -to tne _plt_xe ol 48 UTPRMW )ATRICT NA ITO include Qmt portion of tue Uity within tAe followi,ngr described boundry line,to- wit; beghUng at a ]pint whicli is the gout (_,r_st corne,:, of DIOOIC 26,tllezlce wast to tht+ L�lley,teen ce north to tne _,outh line of of 23 block 26,thence vest to L Ale ullcy zn block 1j5 taence to the nortn, line oi lot 6, block 1,50 t�Lence ea, t to the alley in block QCtlwnce narUj to toe voutJi line of lot 120lock 152,thence to to oj, /tr, .,,,ve. a,ek�t,tjlence iwrta 166, thence to the 1j,,je to tzje nort�j lille of ­e2t Idano 3truet -ad 501 north of We sortie line of s"irl stj,e(_st to tlae alley in block 6,tjience nortia to the n rtii line of' lot 6,block 237,thence coot totne galley L'i block 2,2qtIi(3nce nort-I to thy Oity Limite, thence east to tne point where the city boundry turns southerly thence to tree noj,,the-_,,n point of Nock 225 thence ulorir, tiie� east pronrty line A nAd Mock contLnued to the Uley in block 224,t.aence alone the alley to the nortli line of lot 6,black 224,thence eust ,long ttw jjort,'I line of said lot continued to u point no,.tej of t,,,,Ie ct,,ntei,line of the alley of block 5 Ancun Add.und ',501 nort-in of tiie north li,io of California a,t.thenoe zouth tAru thx -_ alley of block '-? Jurican %dd. to the norhi line of lot 6,bluck 5,Ahaican Add.thencc euot naong suid line to We alley in block 3 Duncun Add.thence nortia to Lne nos-W proporty line cat ,ald block and eust ajwllr tne rup.rxty line to the alle,,,� iii block 2 '46. thence south to tsic south piopext) line.ujbJoc? `) Duncan addition,tnence wusL Lo the eauta euat cornet of block b,.Owic,44n adaition,tnence as utri to 'chu souUi line of lot I,block 11 Duncan Y,dditiorl,tnence weut 5161 thence south on A Lille )ar-allej totdju ,,VerjuL,j of, ','ity to r.,t laolnt whidi is the inte,.L­_-. eet on v,,ith a line cxt,.nded fj.'om tne south line of lot 1julock 21,thence west to tim alley thence zoutn to the Great norhwrn idght of' 7,,`uythence viest to the centakline of Ah av" rust north,ti,,enco of the pr op- erty line,thence nest to the o1ley in block 24 t?rence nart�i to tM sawta line of lot 23,block 24.,Vaence ,,,est to tla+._, ,,lle�j i:, bloc, 25,Synce, oouth -to the line of block 25,thenc, v,,est to tae )Iace of 3XIN51fill DOWICT NO, 4, include, ull We land embraces within tht) Iciacribed boundry line,tov,lit- Se"ining at n Point is tree; inevaection of the ce-nte.rline Of) of huilro"W 3treet Llld the aentec'Iirle of 5t"i to tho, noxth line of the Auli"all !low! Hill v,,hej,,e the oz,,,nc sects mid cent;mqlne .)f 5tii '.ve. nortl-I Ion' , t h c we at. Que of jthdme. West, to Me bound.ry line of the northern right of wuy,theice eust alon,,z tie aduid boun­ dry line of Lie right of my to the intersectim of the cen- terline of 4th Ave. jh.thmice soutin to thei riort-ri ljym of.. tae Great Nort'�Aer"'I ri§A of way thence easterly to the ':'Lautim-c";"t corner of tile, land of the Luxnb�."r 'O, tClenc' oily alonS the e st line of 4th, "�vemzo ­_t to the cent - _ 1iijo of Hailroad Street,thence %esterly along said cent,,­Iine to the Place of luesinins. 2. ThUt all 0youid distlictz I.ie V-,,it:ljn the lir'Iito 01 UrIt, City ui `,dopted uriie iltil r1,jy of. ,pj_ij, 19,2,,, q0wovad 01je 11t.a,duj , lq,.':Ij, Pau '!file, LLCYoj". - tte'st, ire �Cll' .�ity J'utlz i t'Y K t , 1 CR tXIQ nereby certify UuuL the ior i j, 'Zo `,Arid x.XxIct OOPY Of a ;03011ution ,-10.pted 'by tlie mu approvoci day tile on tle lltn ;ftay of A�il' 1 2 C" Ci,ty