Resolution 1132 - Resolution of Intent - SID 234�-'T'SOLUTIGN 1132
rU 230
"_P I ul,v I Th"t it is ti-W' il)t(,:rltioli of tite a,ity (pouncil
of txj.e UitY of Kalapell,iLontana, to create a, Sj)eciul Rr,,provemcmt
District to be designat ed u--, Improvenient Jistxict iao.
234 and tue bo,,indries of said Spec al imPzovement As,iict are
,aereby decl�,red to be us, follows: :3tartin_-, at a point w1-.L1rh is
the intersection of We centerline of S)tyecet -lad Ue
centerline of the Wird alley west of ,,'.z,in Sti°ect,llorth Laf block
28 in halispell (mi,nui loans Me , taence soutia throuun block 26
to tile 2,011th 1)1-cyexty line M buid block.
(.,TIQIT 2. That ULC general chaructex of t1ic inj)j,ov,,-
nlents to be mde in said protweed impro-vemont distaict
is ao follows; towit; tie installing of an ea ntincu oQuc.r pdjae
VO-'S,MunhulesawmWmles etc-sLid selvei to extend. soutnelly
irmn the Ime-,ent manhole ix, Hoiit"nu Stree,, through the rAley in
block 20 to tile south propeity line M the block.
3. That the aypnoximate co,�t of ouch jm1)j,ovc,-
ment is J400.00
a,�,,CTIOII 4. Tnat tne entire cost of euQza Lll).rovel,lcntz
including street and alley intersections shall be ssessed L,gainst
ttle enti-IT diotrict,eaca lot 01' pa lool of land within quid lio-
txict to be asliessed ior tout part of t1w Mmle coat Moli ito
"r— buu�v U9 that of We entire dista:ict,exclusive oi strea,Lts,
,a,Venues,alley,q c)-C P-10lic place,---
YNTIM& Y. That a aii4a,11 be for ill
live equal annual instullments,aereuy extejaded ove�, a jpu.Liod of
live yews. nid asoeusmento mmall conotituto at JujjJL to be 1.1:jovjaj
he Special Lai)rovcinent Diatrict lund -o- 234-
325101 6. That surd Ah,,rovi ,-,jents oe, pt,id for
ill GPOCAU IMPIQVeMent DiStriCt -0Uj10- , ,',era illteia;et
at wo rate of 6.0 yelL smalwa irma the date of fCgistl,atiojj u!ltil
Wled for mdmmAlon or paid in full,interest annua113
an tae fire t duy of J-nuaxy of yc,,ur,j?4y-b1c five, yeuro irom
tg avid :iede�Yriuble, ut tini,, ij,ie there funds to Ut e credit of
of suca opeQiul ia,,i)roverneut fund -vr,ilablx tae:,,efore,tc:ie in-
twout coupwi- "tt"ciied thereto to be,,,.u, t1ie faciimdle si3na-
ti.ire of the .,,,,ayo:L- end Cleric.
WMTIMT V. Mut wi the 2nd duy of ...pry Ln tilt Council
of t-at jity Aull of thu City oi Wiwiinontunu,
ut 'r.30 O'clock j L a regM�k C'ity ��ouncil VIiIj
ne", und pass uponjull Iwate.,to thbt m�y be made u,,;uirist the
wkin,j A suca improvements or We creatloA A such diatrict
provided that oush pyotesW ure, receivt,,d by trait City. -,Ierk
not uter tsi;.,n iifteen auys ate- L tine iii,t j)ublicutic,)n of Unis
notice a�Yld 1:1"de il'I writixaz.
M&TIMT 6. IM Glekk is as aut;,O:rized and directed
to :;iv e Cale'' projer notice Uf the !)�Ssu.gc of this I-e-o"olution by
Puulicutiwi and znLaiiinj; as reynea fay ivu,suci put)Ijotion to
be faade in the Tlejqs Piiper,publisaed
ill the Uity of
iay 2nd, 1)-�
Attu��L, Cit,,�i
t u ,, �:�
CUUII-t,'/ c',f TlatiieEA,
Uity A Wispell,
Trekel-,cle,�,,k of tae City (A
Kalispell do nereby cettiQ t-aut the Jori ajxj�� is a jujj_tx,jjc,
Und Muct COPY of u nesulutiorl :,.dopted oy t-ie City ,j t
We City wd upproved by tne wyor on tie 2nd Jay of