Resolution 1129 - Assessment - SID 233I!t �* 4, A 3111"50,IJUT ION, levying vL tax upoll all the lax o�)ej,ty in ipecial improvement District 14o. 233 of the i'OtY Of JiLulio!)ell, for the, purpo*e of defreyinr tile costs of the expenseu Oi i-111provenients made rand conotructed in eaid district in accordanance with resolution,,_ and ordinuncos of the City of ,�Uliopell , floret. 3-Y CIJ_Y COUNCIL OF TIELE CITY 0 1. Thea-.,e is he2:eby levied and 4LSoeased to defray t1lO coot of eXPCnzCs Und im-orovement-a zrs4,de and conotructed in jPecial !-apl'Ovelnt,'nt Jistl'ict 0- -)33 of tine City of iLa,,lizpell -kont"najn accordanance with the resolution,, and ordin�_noez of tae said city,a tax all tue property in said district the amount to be charged et ch lot or ova -col of land thes,e,of beinj set tine: deocliption of the land mL.,Id tile, nalnu 01 the owner° . to -wit-, 1 11AL.'-.0,UJIT Mov-"las E,_ _)Oyle 1 2 1 �111 35-59 C, a r to Brattobei— 2 35-59 jj; nch, a aitzox 3 35 - 5) ids 4 17-30 Owen L. 3r ovqn 3� 4 17-79 V1 n 5 3:,-)'. 59 it w 6 35•59 Chao. Z'). 13Hodl��dibn 7 35. ),9 It 11 6 35-59 Jophia 1', dgdon 35-59 n re 10 35-59 Uhas. 33. is d.don 11 35'- 59 41 12 35.59 JIIR),'A' 2• That said taxes are to 'be paid in five alinu�:41 instalhnents,tae first installrnent of wniah shall be- come due yin d ±)uyublp uj)r)jj t1je fjj=st d"Y Of' uctobel, l)27 "I'la ohall become delin(,uent afteil tile 30t.i duY Of 1; vell1rier 1927 arld the 4-!Ulual irl._tulllaento shall become due and jDayable on tine swne dL;teo of the folloivLrj-r of the above pay - meats bear iateieot µ,t tilt, z,atc of six percent 1)(,,:L, annuz,,1. inti,oduced tais 4,ta uay oj' ,,,ovembej°,1.920' and set for aearing _,,ovembez, 1'(, 1926 at 5 o'clock m 3t,te of ,-Ont"na (,cunt 'Y of 11ztleUJ jJ, '-'ity of .-,liQpell 1,0.— �.'rekellUlei,k of thc City of do iiei,eby Cel vily tA-t thO f0l'i70izj- io i% full, t,rue end exact copy of a, ruoolutica �pw-red spy tile city '�Ioujjcij and approved by the L"yoz, JAovImoer 1Q27.