Resolution 1127 - Assessments - Sprinkling District 1, 2 & 4Ggtimatin" the cost of awinwAng tM
strt�,ta and avenues4 of -istricts _,o. I , 2, c;, 4
of the City of halisp011, L.ntana,ior tine year i,z)26, ,_ud
levying and usoessing all tne proi)e:rty 'i'ritniya the ozzid dist-
rict with We cost of Qlqflklintll� 2trOetZ alld O"'ou"
witidn the s"id district.
^ T I I. 'sir; coat Of 81)22 i tj I e S t:Use t Z411 a
avenues in "j)r.Liklisg xisnict:7 s,o. 1, c�, L 4 oi t,!ie -ity
of Kalispell, N,nt,jur the ye.i, 1926_La estimated to ot,
the loopwtS iia -,aid disL-ict-3 for tae W!'O�Iklt of tile
eLtimuted Umouat of apriunlin" tile aatre(Ao �_J "Venues of
there in,wiu6 apportioned to tile ocvc:-,.al lots unJ P�,rcelo of
land 1_itllirl tile ",id di-Oti-icts, aO
L neference is hereby made to tile oriL�isl�,_l resolution
00. 112V, which is on file in the office ol tAe..,its` Clexk,
ior the list of the propciAy owners as--essed.)
SYMON 3- '_i'he tax wreby levied oecoiqedeliricluent at b ol
O'clooX L-1- an file 30L.L (i-Y of 19"
-r: CTIGI_N` 4.i,ieforvnce is hekeby made to it solution of
Intention to cronte 3prinklin,,7 �:Asrticts '_";101 1, 2, 4 for
futtlie,r puvticulurs.
lat-roduceci talz the 27W �f Oato,'32-t, and Izet,
for hewing Me novuaber 4tii, 1920 at 7:30 O'clocIrc-
Attest. C. 2rekell, (%ity Cler'k.
AdoAed this 4th d-y of :, vemoer, 1,)26
;',,p,)roved t_,ii_- 4ta duy of k,,ovember 1926.
1,`aail ine' -iayor.
"'t-te-et" ";ity
State of ,_c)nt_n"
County of, 11L4ttieud 33
City of Kalispell
I, C . E. 1'rekell, ClCrk of tile ("ity ()i
K41i*pell do aereby Oertiiy that tne. for caiaa is <k iull, trile
and exact copy of LL i,esolution adopted by the Council and
by the �iayof -November 4ta 1926,
City Clerk.