Resolution 1126 - Assessments - Maintenance District 1i"'E60LUTION NOC 1126
the cost oi moint<ainint the improvements
in -Kuint"inente Jiotrict Ro. 1. of tie City of, llisj)ejl for the
year 19LI6 �nd levyin- and aosebing all the projQrty in the said
diwtrict %ith tile cost of ouch i Ir rijprovements.
3E IT ;:-'3ULV1'.D BY TIT,",' CITY COUANIC IL ()F TIL°'� CITY , F X.,%LI`,72LL:
31',:ICTIO'�' 1. The cost of muintailli,ig tine improveruents in
maintLainetice JiL4ti,jet o. 1. of, t�,ke City 01, for tine
year 1,)-,6 is cstih4ted �io be
101,1 2.A tax is hEi•eby levied and asseuied u:,on all
tile ijrope2_Ay in Said im-lintenance district for the arriount'of tlie
euti.tuated cost of Illaintainh-1,1 tc'Q iiIII)l-oveiuents tlierein,beirig app
upportiollc;d to tae several 10tZ or Pul'cols of land within the
icl ui,-7trict < s f ollovis, to-l%it:
[�,,efcrea,ce is hereby mude t., the ori7in�_i !,esoltztion
Vtlich is on file in the office of the Cdty Clerk, for furthor
,Tluli 3. The tu-u neuebylevied becomes delinquent
at, 6 o'clocic p_; on the 30th day of liovember, 1�26.
jACTION 4. -z_eference i;,hex,eby wade to itiesolutian of I#,Jj
Intcntion to Create ijiaint�-.tinence Jiatrict 1,iu. 1. for further
Introduced the 27th day of Oct. 19.16 and set for iiear-
ing, i4ov. 4tn, 1920 at 7:30 o'cloc1c,
A t t e t , C. i-, Trekell,-ity tAerk.
'I'dopted this the 4th dLLy oi 1,926
f�pprovcd tsiis the 4tsl d"y of XN_o-vember, 1�26.
Attest, C. Trekell, "'ity (;lerk.
-ate a of' L ontaw
Gounty of 11�,Anehd
Glity of 1aliopcll
I, C, _i Trekell, Clerk of the ("ity of
iiulisipell, do hereby certify tilat tile Jor,poijjup is r,, full, ti,ue
ulld exuct copy of a reolution _do_t)tec1j)y t.ue city cout.icil of tile
City of iC�,Iiopell on ,k)veiaber 4t.a, le,)C, and approved oy t-Ue
Ili ayor on tile same u,y.