Resolution 1107 - Assessment - SID 226M ].e, VyjjjL' a tay, _1 p On s,1 1 t'::e propert Y in 31"�e C', a,! I r a -ve me n t T) i o, t r 1 a t �o 2 2 o Ir t I e C i t deft ayin­ -I"F Cos —I an"! experise's ":,f Dxifr;)vo;rx;nts structel in District, In Twit ra'­I of tl,kC, Cltv hal­ FjE I'T T 7 7- CNl, "-1 JI, 1S7.21L. s efra,, t `--a cc C, t SE CT. I - TT � F" , expense-,; oarl�tz,-Iote 11 -I".an r] C-L, No. 2'ICS of, tlCif. 'Y :)f in V,e, rv.8ol­ :,f t�; CS'lly ct. tax all p""opexty in the tr`.�^_t ; t`e amount to bc�, claar,?efl lot t', b 0 i ci,S-,et je,�,crl, pl't` on of t"'E', prope!"'.y aanl tl. axt;s az f ul I o1v s II t (Reference is nereby made to tn GrA re,�cilut 'Lon f'a.] e ,,f xecorcl in the cof im of the city Mork f Or e spe 0if i 0 'pt'i'Dn' of t ,)ro,-ert Lr, the above iwntiarmd rewhition.) SECTION 2. The saQ taxes to be paid in first instsllww-�, -;f payable of to certified copy of this resointima in the affice of tMe snol city and sy�el,,,- le-,1, ae t U Y) e f t e :r e 30 t I Vf Y 0 v e f 1925, nn! the Fannin! Ustalivents Val! Wereaftc?,- lbe,,,,oue d,.io and pa, yable on the Qrst,dn3 of October of each 7O-.,,a:r delinqu,ent on V"-'e 30th d"ay. 01 jj� of We aLove payments be,,.,,r intexesit qt tbe rate of 2iX per cent. per Introduced 'Ate "th doy of Oct<-,7-er V�2�-, an� vret f,)r hearing octolt�er 14th, 1121 at 5:7) 0'4001 P V, - Atte��t, P. F. Ewlsknecht, WAY C"OrR. A,,,Iopted 14th ,,,,f Octoe t"I"Is, IL�tb luiy of A� E. I'Boon,-,,,ian, 1,layor Atta-vft t - ','. . 1,'lii,'d w. "<", i",i'aG' l„`, w, , city 0"Le'T'k. State if Liontann Ca nty uf Flatboad ss. City of Yalispe'll 1, is. F. HoWkneett, Clerk of He City of 1011spell9 ,,Viont,nn,s., 1c; (,'srtify tha,t t-e a fu.2.1, an'l exact mpy of a resolutimi passed b§the City axamil ani approved by,the Wyman the. V,4th da,,; of Octcber, 1925. W15was my itand bbul; lglul He of Wtow,r) 1 P5. Citty Clerk.