Resolution 1105 - Eradication of Noxious Weeds Payment423
A ',FFS0LTTI0,T7 proviling for the paymmA A exponse inmared by ne
City of Eali spell in oonvect ion with t he 3?HA7TCA'T D,XT IVAICUS ',UE'DS
during, tl-,,e,, -sen,scm of 192% as provided for 'by Or,,linance No. 37 ',f t-,
ftt7 Of anm Motion 4, Ohapte_r 60, if tnc- D�'th Se"_ ,!.on Laws
of the 3,�,ate 7,f
SECUOY 1. That whemeas wer Cie Yaovisbms AaWmanm No. 370 A
the City of Kalispell, and c4apter 60 of tlt�e 1EE')tlh Laws of the
St S ate L1,ont7na, the City Owincil .f nny rnun�,clpa,l corpo.ration way
appoint a wced commissioner Mose d4,! ]Ls to t,,o the deetruction
of noxi ws weeds, nmd whereas , such e rpense ba c,1--arEe ; the
property on which such noxious vneds Were, destroyed, as a si�:eciz,1 tax;
SECITTON, 2. B1, IT 'HEREM7 RE5OLVEM, that t,,e, iowiait�
owncis or t1--o pxopurty, leeMbed oppOSIt6 the'--p reppootive -,,ia.,x,,s, be
assensel for the amounts sbamn belov, wbJch araouzits were experl-
ed ly said Cs for the aralication of noxia,-,s weed,,� ",P�e yea"r 10;2'-7
(Reference is 1,r,eT'M1y ma" to t4e Original resHation on file an, of
record in the office of the City Clarlk -f,`�r a, siecifia dclpc'iption of
the, pro,,,jerty vnTraced A, V-�o @c,,,�ve entioned resolut-or)
SE S T T 7. T`ze, oaMnts herein set 14rth became WW"ent at,
six o'clock F. M. an the 7�t' 1925,
SECTION 4. TS monies collected under the provIvImn T! this
T8801MOn sheU be laid�`ii.aid, `nv"Lng, 1�7�ppr,
from said funK
IntrMaced thi,,
0,,tnbew 192�,) v,,w3 set for i,.earing octol,-,or
A. E.
Attest, P. F. Holzknecht, My Clerk.
Adopteft thnq 14th day c)f October, 1925
Approved this 14th (lay of October, 1725
A. F. Boorynan, Mayor
Attest: P. F. Eolzknecht, City Clerk.
State of o
S f e cFlath'e l ST
City Of !wKeell
P. F. HM-I,',npcht, CT',�Tlv of the T`Lty of
YuManN lo hereby certify that Qe foree�oin,,�, is a �,-o.l true end
exact copy :0 a resolution passed by C."t"'- cow")cii a""'proved'
t'-'�" �Iay""'-r on 1,,4,tx; day rff Oc,,tolber, 1`,,r).
Mvess my Imn! th!"R d,ay,. e3f
F H ol zTe.n City