Resolution 1103 - Insect Pest Control Payment421,21
RTSOTY.71TTION 1,10. 110,7
A RZOOL,UTION providing for tulaepay,.,z:ei�t r:)f expease inc,,zrred by
the City of Kalispel"I in con,-�,ectlon uith t'ne, INSECT PEST 0101,'M1710L
during.' t"10 sea,,00n. of 192V5, as proviled for by Oi.-Iinance Niej. 2'7,5 of thie
City of Xalispe,71, Illontaxia.
SEWIM 1. Wheneas the provisions of Ordinance N0.375, of
Vne City of Kialisy.ell, entitlet "M OrdWance pranding for the
creation of insect post control districts aml naling mwndatory
the ,ass of eradication rind control within tl,-ie area, of
such prescribed district ox dDstricts", an"wh,-clh, proviaes V,,:-,,n,t
the expense in connection therewith a lien ugain��,.I.
the propezt,,, i,`qpua orn-Lch the c3;.PwQ01 rreas;res wT-.-e use,! an.1 sInall
be spread upon the tax rolls of MY city;
BECHON 2. Therefor, be it hereby resolvcd; trat t-.-,c followirig
owners of tbe proarty WoMbed opposItt Veir rcspective nes be
notified by the City Treasurer that tne a.r.o,,,rats ,iet forth belo�-,d, are
now due and pay hie to t,he City Of lhavin,�� been
expended by sail MY in Carrin, out Inaeot Pest Control voeasure,,., for t,;e
year 1925.
(Ref-'rance is, her eb,y ra,a,-,kfte to V-,e oyi -7Lle erjj
of record in the office of the city for a, Specific description
of the propeTty embraced in the ;Cove menWoned resVAtIon) .
SEOTTON 3. Vne azounto ',-nvein :net fo-ct'n, becc).,,ae delinquent at
six O'clock p. m. on the 301,111'�8,"-
SICTION 4. The monies collected �,,,nder the provisiona of this
resolution shall be pall an the Street yund, saj�e havini� T-,een di9b,,-,,r9ed
frow rzai,! 7,und.
IntraduceM this 5th day .,,Oct,,)ber0f , �t7r
l4th, at 5�00 0'olock P,, I—
Attest: . P� F. Ho17,1caecht, City Clerk.
Adpoted tl,'e 146h day Clf 0-.t-,, r, 0 n, e - L
App!'Ovbld t',,is 'u`e 11�t7 da, -,-,jf Octone r 2 5
A. E
Attest:. P. F. H,::)Izknecht, 01,ty
State if Montana
County of Flat lne,,,Ld S 31
City of K�,,O,ispell. )
I, P. F. Holzlknecht, Clerk of the, Olty of Ka-lispell.,
hi,ontp-na, lo hcreby Certify that tr�n foreEoing is a, full, true an,I
exact copy of a, resolution passec d by t,,.,,e City �approved by
t - te ,a,,
yox oa the 14tIh day of Octo'�-,,er, Ir,,25.
Witness my hand this 14tb I my alf D Ver, 1125.
P. 14'. RMAnecWt, TAy Clerk.