Resolution 1117 - Resolution of Intent - SID 233A RESOLUTION, of intention to create Special Improvement District
number 233.
SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the City Coun-
ail of the City of Kalispell,to create a Special Improvement
District,hereby designated as Special Improvewent District No.
2331,�Lnd the boundriez of said special imProverient district are
hereby declared to be as follows: -Starting at a point which is
the intersection of the centerline of Twelfth Street and the
centerline of the third alley east,north of block 213 of Addi-
tion No-3,Kalispell Original Toluneite,thence south thru Block
213 to the centerline of Thirteenth Street.
SECTION 2. That the general character of the improvements to
be made in said proposed Special Improvement District is as follows;
to -wit: The instalation of an 8" sever pipe,Y1s,T1s,1Aanholes,Lamp-
holes etc.said sewer to extend in a southerly direction from the
present manhole in Twefth Street thru the alley of block 213 to the
centerline of Thirteenth Street.
SECTION 3. That the approximate cost of such improvement is
SECTION #. That the entire cost of such improvements,includ-
ing street and alley intersections,shall be asseased against the en-
tire district,each lot or parcel of land -within said district to be
assessed for that part of the whole which its area bears to the area
of the entire district,exclusive of streets avenues alleys and public
SECTION5. That said assessment shall be paid for In five eq-
ual annual installments hereby extended -over a period of five years.
Said assessmentshall constitute a fund to be known as Special Impro-
vement l'und No.2�3-
SECTION 6. That said improvement shall be paid for in Special
Improvement district Coupon Varants,bearing interest at six percent
per annum from the date bf registration until called for redemption
or paid in full,intereat payable annually on the First day of January
of each year,payable five years from date and redeamable at any time
there are funds to the credit of said Special Improvement Fund avail-
able therefore,the interest coupons attached to such warrants to bear
the fac-eimile signature of the Mayor and Clerk.
SECTION 7. That on the second day of August 1,926 at the
Council Chambers of the City Hallof the City of Kalispell,Montana,
at 7:30 o'clock PX.a regular meeting,the City Council will hear and
pass upon all protects that may be made against the making of such
improverientsor the creation of such district,provided that such prote
sts are received by the City Clerk not later than 15 days after the
date of the first publication of this notice,and made in writing.
SECTION & The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
give the proper notice If the passage of this resolution by publi-
cation and mailin.-,as required by law,such publication to be made in
the Lklispell,Times,a weekly newspaper published in the City of
j�assedthis 21st,day of July,1926
Approved this 21st day of July 1926.
I. Pauline, Mayor.
Attest,C.E.Trekell,City Clerk.
state Of Montana k
County of Flathead )SS
City of Kalispell (
I, C. E. Trekell,Clerk of the City of Kalis-
pell,do hereby certify that the above is a full,true and exact
copy of a resolution adopted by the Council and approved by the
Mayor on the 21st day of July—�,16926.
Witness my hand this 12th day of A-ugust,1926
City Clerk.