Resolution 1104 - Assessment - SID 2281=2
A R-ZSOLUTION, levyinf.,,; a. tax UPOn 8,11 the property in Special Improve-
ment District No. 221 of ne City of Kajispeil, Montana for tT-'e purpt)se of
defraying the cost a-nd expenses of 1111provements inale anconstTucted in
sai'd Di9trict ill accordance with resolution anl owd.inanoes, of t-he City
of Kadl�-,,pep l, 110ontann.
SECTION I. T'�.cre is hereby levied an,11. assessecl, to del,Tajy the cost sf
expen,se's and improveune-ats marle end conqtnactecl in Special jmproveweat
ct No. 228 of the Chty of" Ka-Lispell, ill accordence. Witt
TeS01-11tic)'11S, and a)I'Jirlances o'f the salzi. city, 0, tax aga'in"t a'11 pro-
pe,rty includel in the District; the aunouut to be Charged, aga-InQt each
lot or parcel tlhoreof set oppos'lte tl-ie description, of property
and f Vhl: ow -a ex , as f oil-1 ows, t 0--wi t .
(Reference is hPreby made to the Original resoll-1tlon on file axo of re0c)-rd
in the office of this City Clark for a spenfic desc,-,,iptic>rl of the property
embraced in tl,-,e n1c,,ove mentione,,j reqolution. )
Section 2. The said taxes to be paid in five nnmml WsWUnds
the first installment of which mhall d.�e axa:t pay�-,,ble -,,,On the
filing Y a certified copy of this rea,,')l'it lon in 1''n'-e :,,f th'e'
City Treasurel of the said City ont stall become delinquent after tlle
30th daj of November, 1925, and the annual t�-'C:lca'ftey
beco,yne dae and, payab, 0y, tfirst da:,r -,-)f C)ctoler of each yeq--u ar1rd
delinquont On the 70th Jay A jgovoober Q 'uac-"! yeax� ALI c'f 8"�'Qve
c '� f RTMUZD.
interest at the rate , six pe'l, Cent pe,'27
T,nt,ro.oe,d t',',,is, '1","'y 7f axil set f;r
Octarr W" ,'7,2r,-, at olciok F, a —
A. F-
.attest M F. H01zkneo-:t, 0aty Cleric.
AdqAed this 14th day ��,f ',ctDbcr, 1 7,,25'
Approved 1�27>
Attest P. F.
8t,ste :)f Yontnma
County of :72at�-�oad OS.
City of AlKnell
1, P. F. HOUR necht, MOX4 if 0. MAY W KHOW11,
Oni t n
ac,, ';,�erpby certify that the forepi% is a full, true an! exact
copy of a pa,ssel by 0,o-,-,,rcll ani the I'v,,,1-yor
on. Vie ll'4-t,-, lay oC Llj'2-,,.
Witaft" ss my han,:1 'L�-,is Ijb day if OCtOhC3:, 1 nE t5
P - F, City -C],