Resolution 1099 - Assessment - Sprinkling District 1417 FZSGL'JTT01'7 INO. 1099 A Re- Sol iOn, P�St ift!,F, tjn�z tl-ie Cos ", of S p rilUl i n 6 the at reets ayvl a Verale, in Spa:in1,,:1i-ng Dist'rict Nulrlbc,�r OTTE; of the City of dial iop(�11, 1�10ntPlna, within the said districte with the cost W spr-Inkling, the streets ancl avenues ,vit,-i-a sal,"Ld Aistric-t. - BE IT -HESOL= BY TFU OTTY CCUJN��IL Ci�' ViE OTTY OF KALISPELL: Se o t ! on I . The cost of sip7inlklln6 the streets ancl, aveia,.-,es in zi -9 r j I ,A j,.str1-t ya-�:or nf ti-Ie 01ty of "ell, IV1 Q nt a I, a for the year 1925, is estit:atol to be, Section 2a A tax Is -ieraby and asselssel upoa &1t the property in said Sprinkling District for V,-,,,,."..:, i.iY..t cf thie extirne"ted cost of Sprinklin6 tlne streets and avenues therein, being ep.,.,ortioneJ to the several lots and paroele of land witlnin the sst-id, district, as followo, to -wit: (Reference le hoeby made to the wi,inal res,-olJion on file az.! of record in the office of the City Clerk for it specific desoription of the -property tjaOuro,ced in tl-e above, sientioned reool�,,tion- ) Section 3. T'ne tax hereby levied, loeco.mes 3,elinquent at six O'clock P. M. On Vne -�Ot]-,� dn,y of November, Section 4. Nference id hereby malc 'to the Res:).1u,tion of intention to create Sprinkling District Numbei- OTE foT particulazs Introduced ti-is the 5t1 day of October, 1925 an,-7, set f0l October 1925 at 5:00 otclook P. Attest:P. F. HolzkneCtt, City Clerk A,,ioptei txai t-te aAtl€ day of Ooto'l)er, 1925 Approved. this the 14th day of October, 192-1 A� E. BOOT!rian, hlayo�r- Attest., P, :F. Holzlnecht, City Clerk. State of' -;,,ontana 001inty of Fla,tle�ead- City of Winell I, P. F. Holzkneoht, Oler1of the City of Kaiisr-ell Montana, do hereby certify that th JT s 1 is a flit l, true and exact copy of a rennhAian pasc,ed by tbe City Council caret Approved by the yoyor on tbetth clay of OctQber, witness my hani V-As 1-- 1t1h, ,--f October, 1925. e5, P. F. Hnhl-,1171rlec,'!at, 03tl Clerk.