Resolution 1096 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 37ffm RESOLUTTON NO. 1096 A RESOLUTION estimatint.,, the cost of lightinL�, Special Lie,;hting District Number THIRTY --SEVEN of the City 01, Kalispell for the year 1925, and levying and asseWes inn all the property within the sald district with the cost of lighting said district. BE IT RESOLVED BY T7,E CITY COUNCIL OF TN:E CIT-Y OF XALISPELL: �'ZOT ON 1. The 00st Of lighting Lighting tistlict Number thirty—seven of the C'ity of Xaliqpeii for the year 192,r_ is estimated to be 199.00 SECT10F 2. A '11-ax is 'hereby levied and ass6ssed upon all the property in the said liEhiting district for the amount of the estimated cost of lighting the streets tliere in by apportioning the several lots and parcels of land within the said district. (Reference is hereby rrile to the ori2l'innI Resolution which ,.q an file and f reoor�j in the office of t-te City 01prk for a specific deSCT'IptiOn of the property euibraced in the above 'm,entionekj resolution.) SECTION 3. The tax hereby levied. becomes delinquent at six otoloci P. IAm on the 30th day of November,_ 19 25. SECTION 4. Reference is hereby made to rise' Reqollltian of Intention to create Lightin6 Distriot Number THIRTY—SEVFN for further Particulars. Introduoed Sept 3.4th and set for hearing October 5th at 7'30 otclock P. U. Aa E. Boorman, Mayor. Attest: P. F. fiolzknecht, City Olerlc. Adopted this the 3th day of October, 1925a Approved thlp� the 5th clay of October, 192�,. A. E. Boorman, Mayor. Attest:. P. F. Holzknec!,t, City Clerk.